
I want to solve a mystery, do you know any great mysteries?

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I want to solve a mystery, do you know any great mysteries?




  1. Why does anyone with normal intelligence believe in such obvious nonsense as the Da Vinci Code, UFO's, ghosts, gods, Bigfoot, Atlantis, Nostradamus, Loch Ness Monster, Sylvia Browne, doomsday on 12/21/12, Ouija boards, Niburu, faked moon landings, 9/11 conspiracies, zombies, vampires, Bermuda Triangle, global warming, etc.? That is quite a mystery!

  2. i have a super big mystery and i cant figure it out. if ur into supernatural mysteries then i have a case for u to solve. email me if u want the assignement. this is a serious offer

    my email is if u want we could exchange emails and everything.

  3. solve the myth of man made global warming

  4. Here is a mystery for you.

    Three generations.

    Grandmother died at 42.  no mystery there.  Cancer. 5 daughters. she was the first in her family

    Mother died at 42 almost to the date of turning 42. Again Cancer. She also had 5 daughters. She too was the first girl child.

    Daughter died at 42. not cancer. diabetes. she was the first girl of 5 daughters.

    What do you make of it?

  5. Men.

    (Or Women if you are a guy.)

    People have been trying to solve the mystery of the inner workings of the mind of the opposite s*x forever!

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