
I want to someday teach in belize do you think I could live there and teach and make ends meat?

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I want to someday teach in belize do you think I could live there and teach and make ends meat?




  1. Sure because you can probably live in Belize for $12 a year...

  2. What would you teach? Hopefully it won't be English.

    You've asked one, relatively simple question that contains structure,grammar,spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors....Amazing!

    Having worked and lived in Belize before, I can say that it is often quite difficult,frustrating and usually expensive to secure a work visa.This is also true in most other countries. However,there are many people who have chosen to live in other countries that have found a way(s) to make a living.You just need to think outside the box....Buena Suerte!

  3. belzianbebe is right..

  4. WOW-  Me too!  I want to be a missionary teacher in Belize.  I just went on a cruise there 2 weeks ago and I loved it.  I did a tour away from the touristy places and was blown away!

    I think you could make ends meet.  They are a pretty poor place, but they are very proud people (2 Belize dollars to 1 American).  You might have to take an extra job other than teaching, I don't know what their teacher salaries are. I would love to go and teach in a foreign country someday-  I love to travel!  

    What do you think about teaching English in China?-  I think I might go this summer.

  5. dont mind what the others have to say. in USA, the teaching career is one if the most lowest paid but in belize when a few teachers came they said that belizeans who teach are lucky beacuse they get good money if ur higher than bachelor degree and u get paid even when u get holidays. when there is no teaching and u miss a class u still get paid but the lessons are high and u have to learn alot so u can be able to teach. u can make end meets once u start get used to belize. take care of ur money and stuff like that and no u dont need a extra job to make ends meets. if u have anymore questions feel free to email me.

    ps. teachers right now are asking for health insurance and they will get it because they are the biggest portion if people who work. teachers are the only ones who get more holidays and get a good amount of money.

  6. I think you can depending on what you are teaching. I am not from Belize but in my country (Honduras) we hired a lot of people from Belize to teach us English grammar because there their main language is English. So even if you cant make ends meat in Belize you can try Central America.

    Good Luck!

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