
I want to spend the night with a demon where can i find one?

by  |  earlier

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ok i seriously want to spend the night with a demon but where the heck do they hide. like are there any rituals i can preform to make them appear or want me sexually




  1. Look up where Rosie O'Donnell lives

  2. you are spending all day and night with them now dont you know?


  4. Try Congress.

  5. are you stupid.

    listen child, unless you are calling for a deathwish I advise you to leave what you do not understand be, however, if you wish to further irritate those you cannot see, go alone, don't endanger anyone who does not want to die, or be harmed, people like you  whom are new to this, and think all demons can be seen, I wish you luck, demons swim around you day and night, and you apparently can't sense the presence around you.

    I have no advise, I don't do foolish things like so,

    heres an idea though.

    Go mess with an Oiji board.


    your life will change.

  6. I can give you lots of #s to call. You may get along well. If you live in the city you can look in your local entertainment paper. If you live in a small town you can try someone who is into Gothic.

    Good Luck

  7. -_- im just going to walk away now.....

  8. i'll give you my neighbor's number

  9. There is no one that is sane on the face of this earth, That truly want to be in the presents of a demonic force  all night............ I am telling you that nothing good will ever come out of that kind of meeting.................. Think what you will but that is not a wish any human being should be making.............................

  10. It's the shopping cart guy at your supermarket. Just tell him that you love the way he talks and talks without making any sense and he will be all over you.

  11. Haven't you heard? We all have demons within us and they can be summoned but I would not suggest this while you are alone.  I have a friend of mine who met his and he has never been the same again. If you still want to meet them or at least one, here is what my friend said you should do:

    Find a cemetery whose graves are at least fifty years old, if you are there before midnight do not call on your demons until midnight.  Find a grave that is over fifty years old, lay down beside it and say these words, "make yourselves known to me oh demon of perversion for I desire to meet you."  You have to remain in the prone position with your eyes closed and your demon will make itself known to you.  I do not know how because it is different for everyone.  Don't attempt this if you have a weak heart.

  12. Want my ex-girlfriend's number?

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