
I want to spend two months this summer working with horses in france, to help me improve my french .:)?

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I want to spend two months this summer working with horses in france, to help me improve my french .:)?




  1. You got this from the horse's mouth - they're all English speakers!

  2. Sorry, horses don't speak.  Not even French.  And even if you did find one that could talk, you would need more than two months!

    No, but seriously, you would have to find a riding school in France and get a job.  Go over for the weekend and take a look around.  Try the Camargue. (go to Calais, and take a right)

  3. so what is the question?

  4. Try Yahoo Answers in France to keep adresses

    In The south for summer I think you will find (Camargue Park, near Marseille)

  5. You'd be better off working with people, horses don't say much..

  6. Lots of websites on offer. Take a look at for starters. Good luck with your trip to France!

  7. Try this website.

    It is a volunteer program in France, which is highly recommended.

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