
I want to spent about $50 per month to advertise my website, what is the best thing that I can do?

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I want to spent about $50 per month to advertise my website, what is the best thing that I can do?




  1. Hi, very good question...

    There's a couple of things you can do for that amount. The first is that you can write articles, and this is highly effective, and I fully recommend it. Having said that, generally speaking you don't have to 'pay' to write and submit articles unless you use a article submission service that costs $.

    Another option is to use:  This will cost you a a tad under $50 a month - but it works very effectively at bringing you some very nice page one rankings on Google. I won't go into detail about this here but look over the site if you want to learn more. It's powerful stuff. :)

    Lastly, you're welcome to download a free guide about how you can use article marketing to bring traffic to your site here:

    Hope this helps a little. :)



  2. If you have a $50 budget I am going to lay out an exact plan of what you need to do:

    1. Start article marketing at This is actually a free method of advetising and works very well. I usually have at least 1,000 article views per week from this site alone.

    2. Try doing some forum marketing. Search google for the top internet forums in your particular product market and begin contributing to the forums on a regular basis. You should be able to start generating some sales this way.

    3. Try learning some basic HTML editing so you can add code that will make you money guaranteed. This is a little known marketing tactic in use but some of the biggest websites on the internet use this to bring traffic to their sites.

    You can get more information and a free detailed report here:

  3. Google Adwords is the best way to spend $50.

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