
I want to start a band. Anyone have any ideas on how to do that?

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Music that I want to play in my band is Pop, Hip-hop, and Rock




  1. im actually in the same process.  what i did is do as much research as possible. i bought this book from barns and nobles called indie chick. it tells you how to start a band. i also looked around on the internet and found tips on auditioning peole for the band and tips on how to find a practice space. if your in school. you can post up sign and hand out flyers telling people that you are starting a band and need members to audition for parts (such as bass drummer lead vocals guitar, and maybe keyboard) also do a google search on " how to start a band" i found so much. the biggest pains will be finding people as dedicated as you and finding a practice place. also when getting the band together make sure that all the people are starting at the same level. you don't want a really good drummer but a sucky bass player.

    good luck hope everything works out for you

  2. Practice your instrument.  Find other musicians, and practice songs with them.  Learn a few songs by other people, and then maybe write your own.  That's pretty much it.  It's pretty easy.

  3. Go solo if possible. It's hard to find people that are as dedicated as you are.

    If you want a band go to a local concert similiar to your type of music and you will find hundreds of people just like you.

  4. oh pop!

    like the jonas brothers

    well i dont really know if you want to get discovered then post videos of you and your band playing on youtube and on myspace...several people get discovered that way

    im not sure how or what you should do to form the band\

    >you need a lead singer




    or you can try solo and then form a band

  5. u grab a drummer, a bass player, a keyboard player, a vocalist, "you" and and some back up singers. and maybe thrown in a banjo and the flute. hip hop and be classy too.

  6. i just found this out this morning while i was looking for a new guitar follow this link:

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