
I want to start a business in Delhi. What are the pre-requirements?

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I want to start a business in Delhi. What are the pre-requirements – like registration with Govt. agencies /Dept., Sale Tax or other formalities?




  1. First of all , what experience you have got, in which Business. Whether in small scale or large scale. How much Capital you can invest, Who are the competitors, potential of doing business, are you sure of getting the profit, have you prepared a project report, when your business is going to break even. Have you located the place. Lot of such things have to be sorted out first. Then all other mandatory things can be done with in one hour. ( Registering your Firm with your Local Vat Office ). Good luck.

  2. There are lot of NOCs to be obtained. Make sure you do not take property which IS not meant for commercial purposes.. .You wiwill need to ask around in Delhi itself.We do not know what business you have in mind.

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