
I want to start a business in buying and selling organic foods. can anyone help in any way ?

by Guest57852  |  earlier

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I am located in Birbhum district about 100 km from Kolkata.




  1. depends on what you can grow year round, do you have a greenhouse? a building that will forgo the weather, the four seasons won't matter. Grow things in water only??? or dirt??? it makes a difference how the food will taste. If you are going big to sell to other places, you will have to have permits etc...the recent food scares in the USA for instance organic or otherwise, your food would be tested for viruses...that is what happened to the potato remember, the ground got at virus and they grew the potato and people got very sick, like thousands died! not just from starving! Get a good business plan! have a back up product or another way to make the investment work if the organic thing doesn't work out. Certain things that organic means for the US to buy it. good luck!

  2. organic foods biz isall about gentic grown foods and its  growing in india but not that prevalent much in indian mind we all know it got pros and cons in various food cateogories ..many of the indians don't know about the diff between the organic food and regular grown vegetables and fruits..

    as u in india u  shud continue with organic vetables and market ..and lok for the prominent or established players

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