
I want to start a business online selling clothes and shoes but i only have one hundred dollars. What do i do?

by Guest34417  |  earlier

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I want to start a business online selling clothes and shoes but i only have one hundred dollars. What do i do?




  1. Definitely do as much research as possible. That comes first. Good Luck ; )

  2. That will be really tricky. You might want to wait until you have more money saved, but here are a few tips and things to think about:

    Outsource as little work as possible. You'll need a website, first of all, so it'd be wise to put it together yourself or grab the help of a tech-smart friend to save money instead of hiring an web designer. You can always get fancy later. There are plenty of services that offer free or cheap webhosting which you can use.

    Decide what kind of attire you are interested in selling. Do you want to sell a wide range of clothes, or stick to a certain style?

    Where are you getting your products from? Are you making them or reselling them from other companies? How do you plan on stocking or otherwise having your products available for shipment?

  3. I've looked around a little on Ebay and they have the Ebay stores. Could you start there? I don't think it has to be used, or even reduced in price. Then you could see what the demand is.

  4. you should definitely wait and save more....and along with the first answer you should do still need to buy from the manufacturers, make your own website, make a logo and tons of other stuff that will cost a lot more than $100...

  5. Save more money or get partners.  You will have to purchase a business license, a resellers license, incorporation fees, website fees, etc etc etc and that will all cost more than $100.00.

  6. you can set all your stuff up and then set a paypal up on it it'll be like a clothing ebay :D also its free use the $100 for the first couple of shippings then once you make some money your business should flow good...

  7. ebay. if you have nice things you can easily sell them on there. i have sold a LOT of things and bought many things at great prices on ebay. it doesn't cost a lot for listing items either and you can make a pretty nice ad for your items using their layout things.

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