
I want to start a charity but i dont know where to begin.?

by  |  earlier

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i have googled it and had gotten really confused. i want to start one about the neglect and abuse of americas children. please help me understand what i need to do. i am in north carolina if you need to know that.




  1. You may be able to start with Social Services, your local Police department(s), the Justice System too.

    Adoption agencies and religious groups the provide adoptions and or ...I forgot the name...Foster care might also have information.

    Abuse comes in many forms and is not confined to physical abuse as psychological abuse is most profound and unseen until later on...

    Establish a plan for goals and objectives. Then adjust and put into motion.

    Good luck and if you can, keep me posted; resolutewarrior2005@yahoo

  2. Starting a Nonprofit Organization (one of my favorite resources)

    Starting a Non-Profit

    Checklist- The Things You Must Do to Start a Nonprofit Organization

    Starting a Nonprofit Organization - How to Start a Nonprofit -

    How to Start a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization

    The Nonprofit FAQs

    Before you file any paperwork, you need to get a very impassioned group of people together who support your idea and will provide some start up funding and serve on the board of directors, you need to get letters of endorsement from existing organizations saying this program is needed,  you need to have data that shows your target group is in need whatever service it is that you want to provide and that they are not served otherwise, and you need to have a draft of what your first year's budget would look like (what expenses you expect to incur, what you expect to pay staff, etc.)

  3. If you don't know what to do - you're trying to start at the top and work down.  If what you REALLY want to do is Make a Difference - go to an already existing charity that serves those you'd like to serve, become a volunteer there, learn the ropes - THEN re-visit the issue of whether or not you need to start your "own" charity, or can accomplish the same thing without hours of paperwork, documentation, volunteer network, etc, by volunteering and getting involved with those that already are in place.  Good luck

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