
I want to start a cheer squad at my school...?

by Guest67020  |  earlier

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Ok so I would love to start a cheer squad in my school because I used to live in Atlanta but we moved to the Netherlands. And since Holland is so 'Amerikanized' there are other cheersquads. BUT my problem is that I do not know how to get a squad into the friends do want to help but we wouldn't know how to get things started. So could you please help me and my friends´!!!




  1. Wonderful idea!!!Here's what you do.

    -Find a teacher, gym teacher, etc. When your done with that, you need to hold auditions, but when you do auditions, show them a routine, and the routine needs to have one cheer (2-4-6-8, who do we appreciate, that kind, except just go to and look for some better cheers), and one dance, something you can also find on

    Make the tryouts a 3-day afterschool practice. The first day show them part of the cheer and dance, the second day, show them the rest, and maybe even give them a CD that you burned for them to practice. The third day, thats the big day. Make them show you what they've learned, and when you're picking, be nice, because, they might just need some time to improve, and might thank you for it!! Put atleast 15 people on the squad. When your done with that, picked everybody, etc, you HAVE TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO THIS NEXT STEP!! You have to talk to your principle(which your supposed to do first) and make a Safety Wager. That way, if somebody EVER gets hurt, they can't sue (hopefully this wont happen.) After youg et them to do this, call your local hospital, and get a safety workout scheduled. This will help the parents to relax over the idea. When everything is settled, your going to need a UNIFORM!!! Hold carwashes, candy sales at your school, even get sponsors. When you talk to your sponsor (to find a sponsor, all you have to do is go to a local business) say 'If you do choose to sponser us,  we'd be more than happy, even proud to do some performances for your business. Please, don't feel obligated to call me, and take your time to make this decision.' If he/she/they do say yes, and you get your money, go to and pick out some uniforms!!! Pick one that has your school colors, and get some tights for the girls, and MATCHING 'WHITE' shoes. White goes with everything!!! After, all this, you should be able to make up some cheers, and ask your gym teachers if you can do some performances during Basketball and Volleyball guys. When visitors come, call the school, and tell them to bring their cheerleaders, and have a cheer-off!!! After that, you should have some competitions, and get noticed. As for ya'll's appearance, have your hair up, and out of your face, with a ribbon in your hair (make the colors your school colors, or white, trust me, It'll look adorable, or cute, however you want it to look!!!), Oh, and when you do practices, make sure everybody has a ride home, and give them a calender for performances, and times, and dates. And its VERY important that you keep them hydrated. Make sure every girl has a good grade-point average, etc. That place, can get you your pom-poms, uniforms, even shoes and bags, check it out!!!!!

    I hope this helped!!!!!!!

  2. First up, find a teacher to help you with it all and somehwere you can hold practices. Then make up some leaflets and distrbute them advertising cheerleading audtions. Put on the poster that people must come prepared with a routine etc. Then hold the auditions, have your friends as a panel of judges. then pick the best people to be in your squad. Hold regular meetings and teach your squad moves and cheers. You could do some fundraising to buy uniforms and enter regional competitions. Have fun!

  3. talk to the P.E. teac hers at your school. they might be able to help you start up at club!

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