
I want to start a family but..?

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I'm 25 and my partner who I've been with for almost 2 years is a builder. He wants to build a house (he just bought land), then for us to move in, then build another house (he has some finances), sell this one and keep going through about 5 houses untill he can build one for us. But he's 30 and I want a family already, I don't want to be an old mum and want to have a few kids.. I just don't want to be moving from one house to the other while I'm doing it! He loves kids and he says not to worry and doesn't tell me much else. He says that I'm a princess and his family moved all their life, so he sees nothing wrong with that. But I do- I want stability and want to feel grounded at a place where I will have children. My mum also says that apparently it's easyto move with kids. But that's not really my issue- I want stability for me and I believe a child should have stability too.

Is my b/f right- am I a Princess?

Should I buy a little one bedroom flat, just so we could stay in it untill my b/f is building? Even if I do that- that's a couple of years away financially, and I feel like my clock is ticking and wanting to have a baby. What should I do?




  1. I agree with you, I like stability!

  2. situations never fit your desires. i'd say you're pretty lucky! your husband clearly has a plan to keep you financially stable and it sounds pretty cool to see what different places to live in are'll give you new perspective. plus your child won't be too old before you're finally settled right? i'm sure the kids will find stability in the final house and can grow up peacefully there! good luck! wishing all the best

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  4. need not to be worry u just let him sit after finishing his work & serve a glass of water from ur own hand and then ask for ur this query if he  again stated doing this mistake or wants to go with only what he wants then realize him about the family he is going to start stricly b'coz if he is doing some mistake and nobody opposed it then it will be called as the addmission of others.Thank u

  5. Your situation is a tough one. I hope I can give you some good advice. Hopefully your partner is only theorizing on what he wants. You can move in with your mother and start a family. Explain to your partner when a house has been selected for the both of you, and then you will move in with your kids. This way your mom can help you with your kids while your partner is busy building homes.

    You may want to take a strong interest on what type of home you want. There are a lot of considerations you have to think about it. Spend some time drawing the type of a main bedroom you'll like to have and the kids as well. There are a lot work involved. These things are fun to do because not everyone has the chance to arrange the inside of there own home. Take care. God bless.  

  6. First and foremost you need to discuss this with your partner. Tell him you want to have your own home and are ready to start a family but then acknowledge that you like the fact that he has a plan as well but see if there is some way for the two of you to compromise.

    Like while he is building all of these house;s if you can live in the first one for a while while he builds and sells the other 5 and then when he is ready to build ya'lls dream house and does then you move into it and sell the one your living is as well so there isn't so much moving but he is still doing what he wants and you are getting what you want and you some how find a compromise with in the two.

  7. I am 24 and I have a 2 yr old and a 10 month old.  I wanted to be a young parent and so did my husband so it worked out.  But that is something you two have to agree on.  If he doesn't want kids right now then leave him.  As you get older there are more dangers for you and your baby if you get pregnant.  

  8. Sweetie, you're young & I'd go ahead and have babies while you're young.  I had a baby at 23 & then 2 more at 35 & 37.  I went thru many moves with my first child.  While it's easier to do anything when you're young & without babies, you might be surprised at what you can do with a baby/family & even in your 30's.  The most important thing is that you and your hubby are on the same page.  Your relationship with your husband will last beyond your children's youth, and that is the most important thing to consider.

  9. You are overplanning your life. Just do what feels best and see what happens!

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