
I want to start a home schooling program for my younger sister...Were do I start??

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She is a 10th grader.

I want to know what I should do to get started, and how I can do it.....Thanks =-]




  1. Start by finding out if you can even homeschool a sibling, in a lot of states you must be a parent or legal guardian.

    Go to

    To find out your state laws.

    After that you need to look into curriculum.  You and your sister can look at it together and pick what you both think will be best.

  2. Your state would have the guidelines for home schooling. So you would probably have to contact your state's department of ed.

    Depending on your age also, you may not be able to teach her any of the curriculum. But you would have to check into that too.

  3. You look up the state requirements at

    If she is a 10th grader, and no longer falls under the mandatory attendance law being age 16, or over; some states it is age 18, you can withdraw her, home school, or let her get her GED, and start community college classes.

    This way she can get college credit for the two years that she would have otherwise spend in a traditional high school program.

    Either way she will get the courses she will need to apply at a four year college, or trade school.

    A good and inexpensive high school program can be found at

  4. sign up with an independant study umbrella school that will record all your stuff and administer tests, etc.  you have to transfer all her records from her previous school over to the umbrella school.  you'll probably have to fill out some stuff and all that.  once that is taken care of you need to pick out curriculum.  there is so much to choose from.  you can go online to places like and or go to your local bookstore.  there are also curriculum fairs where you can look at all the possibilities and get good discounts.  you could find out if there is one in your area.  you'll have to fill out record sheets every semester and make sure she does her work but other than that there's not much to it.  gl! ;)

  5. You have to look up the laws for your state.

    Generally the laws exempt parents and no one else, which means they may have to officially supervise for the records.

    But technically anyone can tutor.

    It's a matter of finding a program that you can obtain, afford and meets with any specific state rules (if any).

    In NY it's extremely difficult,  In CT or TX it's easier.

    You may have to keep books, records, porfollios.

    Other than that's it's finding books or school in a box type things (Abeka, Penn Foster, etc.) and other resources (web sites, educational "toys" like telescopes or electronics kits) to do the job.

    If college or GED is the goal you need to cover the math, history, English, science that is required.

    If a diploma is required then you have to find (and pay for) a system that provides an accredited one.

  6. Check your state guidelines with hslda. You may not be able to homeschool her unless you have custody. Just check to make sure you are following the rules. Then find out how and when you want to homeschool and go for it!

    Good luck

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