
I want to start a new business. please help...?

by  |  earlier

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I want to start a new ladies and kids readymade clothes store business. I want to know what are all the pro's & con's in this business. kindly sugest things like

1. Minimum investment

2.Ideal place

3.Customers Need




  1. For startups and new businesses, I would recommend

  2. where ARE You From ?

  3. Would you be interested in eCommerce business that does not have the hassles of inventory? With small investment of money and good investment of your time the returns from this business are impressive. For references you may revert to me.

  4. I guess u should not start any business. U are asking a question no body can answer. Any way I shall try to.

    First it depends upon which place u want to start at. If it is Mumbai then the costs ar astronimical. If the place is Jumri Talaiya then the prices are rock bottom.  

    Cosidering a medium status city like Hyderabad, we need to know which area again, is it the old city or the new city or is it the Hitech city of hyderabad. You are targeting the elite, the middle class or the lower middle class.  Is it going to be a properietor concern or a partnership concern. What is going to be ur marketing strategy. What is going to be ur advertising strategy.

    So u seee there are lots and lots of permutations and combinations.. So any one can answer.??

  5. I have franchises looking for people who can invest and become their franchisee; in the feild if education, food, garments, co ciricular activities for children and others; with investment ranging from about 4.5 and 5.5 to 10-11 lacs.

    If interested let me know.

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