
I want to start a new life for myself

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I want a new job, new friends and a new environment.

I feel like I am not as happy as I should be right now and that I probably compromised when I was younger on choosing a mate, a career and so forth. I am not sure how to start this change and where to go.

Is there a group or a place or a community that is looking for professional people, smart, willing to work hard in mid 30's, to join them and would be a good starting point for me?




  1. I'm with Crouching Doggie and Molly B. They both gave good advice.

    Such a drastic change is very personal and you'll have to be the one to decide where to change, where to go, etc. But, like Molly B. so aptly said, where ever you go, there you are. If you don't change yourself, you'll take all the mistakes with you.

    But, that said, you could pack up everything, say goodbye to whomever (so people won't think you're dead and/or missing) and move to another part of the country. Start all over. Nothing wrong with that.

    When you get to the new place, sign up with temporary agencies (i.e. Kelly Services, etc.) so that you can be making money right away and find your new career. I did that when I first moved to the big city. I signed up with more than one temp agency at a time and when one didn't need me, the other kept me busy. Worked out great. I made new friends, learned new skills and lots of money. All you need is a good work ethic and reliable transportation.

    Good luck dear. I hope you find happiness. ♥ ∞

  2. Shana, this is a highly difficult question to answer because it's highly dependent on what you're looking for.  I can't offer you specific advice until you truly find what it is that you wish to do.  Only then can we begin to explore options.  Mid-thirties is hardly too old to start a new life, but you'd need to determine at least the direction where you'd like to go with respect to your professional life and social life.  From there, the issue becomes less complicated to discuss.

    I wish you well.

  3. Starting over in a different place doesn't mean you will be a new person. It just means that you will be in a different place. You have to know that no matter where you go you will always be who you are. At the end of the day you will have yourself to look in the mirror and see what other's do or don't see.

    But if you reason for wanting a new life is not your fault and it's caused by the torment of other people, then by all means pack your bags and go. There is a lot of freedom that people don't realize they have once they get rid of negative people in their life. This has helped me and I'm sure it will help you. Even if that means moving to a different town or state. You don't have to go all the way across the water to get rid of a$$holes, sometimes changing town helps a lot with that.

    -Dannuele S is back and still s**y.

  4. Where ever you go, there you are.  

    You can change your life but if your perception stays the same you will never be happy.

  5. You are like me. I am working towards that goal also. Send out your resumes to places that you really want to be involved with. I really want to do something meaningful with my life, instead of sitting behind an office desk for another 18 years. Think about your interests, and search for a new job in that area. Yes, you may be inexperienced, due to the fact your career has been different all these years, but there is someone out there who will give you a chance to prove yourself. I have a great love of charity, so I started my own club. And for 5  years, I have been raising money for a children's hospice that I hope to some day work for, even if it's just reading stories to kids. Don't give up on your dream, I haven't.  

  6. Hi What you talking about is finding your dream your passion for life. One way would be to visit www.Planet Susan Aerial Rainbow Kennedy did just that. Her grandfarther told her to try 200 different jobs so that, "you know that one was not for you..." She's a very famous author, motivational speaker, lecturer and artist. If you ever seen any of her books, she writes as if she is drawing with colored pens. She has a program on her web site called "dreamcatchers." Where people can chat about the dreams they have in life and how to developm them. They are many other web sites such as where you can list your goals ask questions about anything and get support and caring responses, not like the cruel ones here. Good luck.  

  7. New Zealand


    Czech Republic

    All of these will give you a new environment and new opportunities. The snag with the second two is language.

  8. I doubt there is a place full of oppunities for people in there mid 30's.

    I suggest you move to what you consider to be a nice place. Go to the local job centre and discuss which career you should pursue. Find a job involving that career.

    Now, about new friends, when there, you can make friends with say your neighbors, work mates and basically the locals. You can be selective about the people you make friends with but try to have some friends so you are not lonely.

    If your looking for happiness maybe its not your job, friends and enviroment that is making you unhappy. Its your lifestyle. It could be that the food your eating is making you unhappy or your hobbies or general attitude towards life.

    I hope this help =D

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