
I want to start a new life in australia can anyone advise how to go about it and what i need money wise?

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I want to start a new life in australia can anyone advise how to go about it and what i need money wise?




  1. If only it were that simple... First, some kind of visa enabling you to go there. If you plan to work there, you may have to apply first, to see if you're eligible.

  2. I agree with the last answer, but keep researching.  It really depends on where you are coming from.

    I'm Aussie born and bred, although I also lived in New Zealand for 7yrs all together.  If you're coming from NZ, things are made easy, you don't need a visa,  you're just counted as an Australian Resident when you get off the plane.  Although you cannot get a benefit for two years.

    Our employment levels are indeed very low, companies are finding it hard to keep good workers because they're in high demand.  This has meant that they are making working conditions more and more favourable to try to keep employees.

    If you have a trade, you can make a very, very good living!

    Cost of living varies from state to state, and major cities on the East Coast are the most expensive places to live.  

    Our dollar at the moment is worth about 95c US, which is a high dollar by our standards - this happened when the US market dropped recently.

    Site to check out -, and have a look at us on Google Earth :o)

  3. If you are under 45 you will need to apply for a skilled visa.

    Check out and see if you can apply for one. and what the costs are.

    You have to have skills that Australia wants eg nurses,accountants,etc. Again there is a list on the above website.

    Good Luck!

  4. My Friends Moved there :]

    If They Let you in...Then Thats it sorted . Move and buy a  house!

  5. Australia is a fantastic place to live.  I've been here from UK since I was eleven, and now can't imagine calling anywhere else in the world 'home'


    We have great weather, friendly people, fantastic beaches and rainforests, and unique animals, I could go on and on and on....

    Your first port of call to get into this great country as a perminant resident is to contact your local immigration centre for details on entry requirements.

    From what I understand, if you have a criminal or drug history you may be refused entry into the country.

    You will need to have a job to come to, or enough money to support yourself for several years, as you wont be eligable for government assistance straight away.  

    Approximate guides are: A house can be purchased in some regional centres of Qld for as little as $250,000 or rent is around $300 per week for the same type of house.

    Unemployment is at an all time low in this country, and if you are either a tradie or in the health industry you should easily get employment here.

    We are a very muticultural country, but many locals don't cope well if you can't speak conversational English.

    If you are able to move to this country then do it, it's a great place to bring up a family.

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