
I want to start a preschool. where do I start?

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I want to start a preschool. where do I start?




  1. start and think,ok i am starting a preschool and you have to find a building in less you are doing it in your house,make sure you can have people now about this maybe hand out flyer's or put in your local paper,if you don't just want to have one room if you get a lot of children think of some of your friends who would like to help you teach preschool.And have some toys so at play time they have toys and a special place to have nap time it has to be comfortable and have all different kinds of crayon  boxes and this is what my preschool teacher did  with us, she got crayon boxes when she had all the  kids met with her and then put their names on it and we got to take it home at the end of preschool.Well i hope this helps you

    from bblovesny

  2. Your first step should be to develop a business plan. There are likely organizations in your area where you can go for help with this.

    The next step would be to contact any licensing agents for where you live and be sure that you meet any licensing requirements for preschool programs.

    That should keep you busy for awhile!

  3. find a school in your local area.

  4. Make sure that you have a great business plan. Check with your local city laws and make sure that you have a space and licences you need to provide care to however many children you can have in one space. For example, I am a director of a preschool and besides myself, I need at least one other certified teacher in order to have preschool. I also am required to have a background check and fingerprint check on all my employees before they start working. You should check with Department of Health.

  5. Start with the department of social services. They license day care centers and they can give you the big, big book on rules and regulations. I highly recommend you get licensed. If all that looks do-able, get a business plan together.  If you have not spent time in a preschool, you need to do that.  A degree in education is almost a must these days, as preschool isn't just playtime anymore.  At least good ones... You would need a bank loan for all the equipment and materials, a building that meets all safety,health and fire codes. You need to write a policy manual for staff and parents. There is so much more, but that would be a good start!

  6. go to a preschool and see if they are hiring

    hope it works!! : )

  7. arent u a bit old...hehe oj oj...

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