
I want to start a program to help empoverished communities, any tips?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to help to make an impact on things like global poverty. Alot of my family are missionarys, and I see the conditions in these places and I cant just sit here and not do something. Since getting there is impossible for me at this time, whats something I can do to change things from where I am?

I would like to raise enough money to pay for the building of some schools. Although building churches like some of my family does may help a community in some way, I think educating the people is more beneficial. If they are educated then they can learn to help themselves.

I want to find a way to use my art to do this, maybe auctioning it off, and the proceeds going towards that goal. Ive already sold some art before, so i know i can make at least a little money.

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to get this sort of thing started, and getting more people involved.




  1. Consider joining PeaceCorps if you want to work overseas. Or join AmeriCorpsVISTA in the United States. This will give you experience, a little money, and introduce you to places that need your help. Often you can work for the organization after you are done being a paid volunteer (1-2 year stints.) Thank you for your help!!

  2. I came across a writer who was trying to help people in Uganda, Africa. Perhaps you could ask him for tips or maybe join forces with him? Getting people involved in any charity is hard, because you have to be the one who reaches out to them. When you start out, you are pretty much unknown, so word of mouth will be your best friend in getting your cause promoted. Anyways, I wish you good luck on your missions.

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