
I want to start a "green" home business. Any suggestions or companies I can try??

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for a home business that is profitable, fun, with lots of support that only features "green" products and living. It needs to be something I can do online. I am a stay at home mom of 2 very young children so it has to be something that I can do in the least time possible. thank you.




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    You can make a research and contact them asking for a co-operation.Best of luck.

  2. I am a stay at home mom as well. I came across this product recently and have had nothing but positve feedback. I am an independent business owner of Xziex. Xziex is a brand new company about to launch a mass marketing of atmospheric water generators. These machines pull the water out of the air, purfiy it and put it on tap for drinking. All you must do is plug it in. I live in a GA and it is very humid I can get about a gallon every two hours. You can start up for under a hundred dollars and I can help you with your website. You should check out mine at I would love to talk to you about it. I cant think of a better way to help myself, my family and Mother Earth. It takes relatively little time and I do it while my daughter is napping or playing. I am so excited about this and the money that is to come when the general public finds out they can make their own water. I have done all my promoting online and some free eco-advertising at the park (writing mywebsite in sidewalk chalk on really visible paths) lol I dont want to waste paper and ink if someone is jsut going to tear it down and toss.  This is the best oportunity i have seen you should look into it . I would be happy to help.                   Sincerely, Carrie Lewis

  3. Shaklee is a great "green" co. to get involved with. You can go to their website to get more info. It is a networkmarketing co. with unlimited potential. Feel free to e-mail me @ with any questions and I'll be more than happy to assist you. Good luck!!!!

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