
I want to start a small business, any suggestions?

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I want to start a small business, any suggestions?




  1. First, let me commend you on looking to run your own business.  If your thinking about a traditional brick and mortor, its going to cost you alot of money and its going to be alot of hard work for the first couple of years.  The other alternative is joining a business opportunity that is already established, has customers, has a product, and is far cheaper than even the cheapest of traditional businesses!  Check out the website below and get some more information!

  2. In Bhopal region you can start herbal plant which will be very benificial for you.

  3. Do you have the money to start the small business??  If so why not invest it in the right business?

  4. Wht kind of business u mean?

  5. The best business to start will depend on what you want, how you define to be interesting. A person may consider a pet sitting business to be the most exciting work in the world, while another person would rather watch TV than take care of dogs.

    The key is to determine what your interests are, what you want to do, what is suitable for your lifestyle and your overall goals, and what can fit with your resources.

    Dan Ramsey in his book "101 Best Home Businesses" has a chapter on how to find YOUR best home business. He suggests these 10 steps:

    1. List 5 things you do best

    2. List how others would benefit from what you do best

    3. Find out how to give people what they want

    4. Learn the value of your services to others

    5. Find out who else offers similar services

    6. Learn from the successes of others

    7. Learn from the failures of others

    8. Plan your own success

    9. Make low cost mistakes

    10. Enjoy what you do and how you do it

    He then made suggestions on the best home businesses according to type. Here are a few of them:

    Best Businesses Using Craft or Physical Skills

    - antique restoration

    - auto detail service

    - carpet cleaning business

    - errand/delivery service

    - housecleaning business

    Best Service Businesses

    - bed and breakfast operator

    - caregiver

    - catering service

    - senior day care center

    - tutoring service

    Best Professional Businesses

    - desktop publisher

    - magazine writer

    - import/export service

    - income tax preparation service

    - event planner

    Some other home business ideas:

    Top 10 Home Businesses with Rapid Break-Even Time

    10 Profitable “Go-Out" Home Businesses

    Low Cost Startup Businesses

    You can also check out the following books:

    Turn Your Talents into Profits: 100+ Terrific Ideas for Starting Your Own Home-Based Microbusiness

    The Best Home Businesses for the 21st Century

    121 Internet Businesses You Can Start from Home

    The Best Internet Businesses You Can Start

    101 Ways to Make Money at Home

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