
I want to start a small business can any one tell me what i do...?

by Guest60400  |  earlier

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I want to start a small business can any one tell me what i do...?




  1. hm..m.I think u should start giving  shows I mean if u r a   good musical  instrument player u should join any band n u may become a ROCK STAR BEST  WISHES

  2. In the absence of sufficient details, you should see your strengths, resources, locational advantages, preferences and likings, expectations of returns vis a vis risk taking abilities....and choose a line of activity.

    Visit any nearby good business bookstore, buy a book on list of small businesses (around 850 to 1100 listed normally) and choose one which suits you most.

  3. hire a solicitor he/she will help you with the busness documents,advice etc.

  4. start a stationary shop.

  5. u can start a cyber cafe if u have minimum capital of 10 lacks.

  6. rob a bank.

  7. Start jewellery business.

    But got into the customer line only, bcoz only there u can earn money.

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