
I want to start a walk... for city in need of change

by  |  earlier

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I have city near my home where I have many friends... A friend of mine just lost a child the other night due to a gun fight in the streets... the city is in desperate need for a change... for hope.. How do I go about Starting this walk??? What do I need to do to begin? Should I send out flyers? please give me some advice....




  1. You first want to establish the walk as a charitable, and reputiable cause (so people do not think you are taking money) Most communities have a development corporation which you can ask to help with organizing a promoting, a school or church could help you. Ask for Sponsorships and Pledges with a goal in mind

  2. Walk into the nearest newspaper. Don't phone or email.  Tell them that you are serious.  Will they promote your walk?

    THen to 1 of the tv stations and agree to appear on the local morning show.  Have a story to tell about your friend or bring your friend.

    This could turn out to save a lot of lives. /

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