
I want to start a web site where people who are sad or even suicidal can post there unhappiness.?

by Guest63919  |  earlier

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I would also like to be able to respond to these posts.

I'm sure there are sites like this already. If you know of

any please let me know the web name so I can look into

this more.




  1. There is one called

  2.'s called myspace lol.


  4. I myself haven't heard of any such sites before but I think it's a wonderful idea :D

  5. is a discussion board for people with depression and other mental health problems. People there can talk about their feelings, issues and offer support to eachother. another online support community for those with depression and other mental illness. a little different from a forum, but still a place where people can share their experience with depression.

    I've joined online support groups for people with depression before and found that when i've looked around at quite a few of them, they're all the same - people talking about they don't know what to do and then others telling them to consult a professional. It just seems...bland. Maybe you should try to make something a little different. Be creative.

    I hope this helps.

    Good Luck with making your website.

  6. when u do i'll call them all a waa-mbulance...

  7. welli dont know of any but there are lots of health forums around. they are pretty easy to find. IF you want advice on how to start your own you can go to and begin editing the site and people will start joining. It is free but the website address has to include coolforums at the end. Example: If you feel like it you can buy the site name and it wont have to include "coolforums" but instead can be the site name of your choice as long as it isnt taken. I hope this helps. Good luck.

    P.S. If you need help starting it up just email me at

  8. Please please please do that.   First go to this website.

    I found this site to be so compelling the story broke my heart and I will always support them.  You will find eons of information on this subject on their page also.  

    Also I truly Thank you for thinking of others in so much pain.  You are a blessing.

  9. Yahoo groups is exactly what you guys want.

    You can start your own support group.

    Check it out. It is really easy to do. I run 3 support groups for sleep disorders.

    Just click on Yahoo Groups and get started.

    It's on the Yahoo home page.

  10. wow i think that is a great idea it would help a tone of people good for you!!! anywya i have never heard of anything like that but im sure there is a way have you googled it yet???? try making a myspace for it and sending messages out to people it would be a whole lot beter than that spam on surveys and stuff

    good luck to you!!!

  11. Good for you!  I don't have any great advice, Yahoo Q&A does a pretty good job weeding out the offensive.  But with MSoft and others with their Billions, it'll be tough, however,

    Good Luck


  12. Yeah, an i want a website that gives me a real friend or family member to listen to me and that gives me the courage and focus to discuss my problems.  What?  That doesnt exist?  You mean i have to either get some friends or talk to my family or clergy member about my agonizing sadness?

    Forget that.  Ill just vent anonymously on the web and pretend that makes it better.  Hug me, anyone.  Please.  

  13. Nobody would do any responding... because nobody cares about people whining about being sad and unhappy...

    I learned that because I am sad and unhappy - I just learned to keep it to myself... since the site will be characterized by lots of postings and nobody reading them...  

  14. I have seen some sites like that.

    Just beware of letting anonymous and people comment and write emails.  Someone would say something wrong, and push a suicidal over the limit.

  15. It already exists. It's called Post Secret.

  16. well that would be depressing

    help me please!! im sad and confused at the moment

  17. Alot of those websites turn into support groups for people with depression. This can be good in some ways, and bad in others. I feel that inless the whole site is going to be about telling people they need to talk to a friend, parent, or a professional, you shouldnt make it.

    take it as you will.

  18. yes thats a great idea ive been thinking and wishing there was something like online therapy because so many people type and express themselves better than they can in words

  19. that's an awful lot of sadness to take on to your shoulders, be sure you would deal with it a, for you and b,for the people who come to rely on you.

  20. Aaaah, yes.  Teenage angst...

    I see it hasn't changed a bit!

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