
I want to start airline business by renting a plane. What is needed to start such a business?

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I want to start airline business by renting a plane. What is needed to start such a business?




  1. The first thing you need is a collection of lawyers.  There are law firms that specialize in aviation, and you need one of those.  Your personal attorney can put you in contact with the right people.

    Expect to spend a couple of million dollars ($2,000,000.00) on legal and administrative fees before you start thinking about acquiring or leasing equipment.  You will need to be certified as a scheduled airline or a charter operation by the aviation authority in your country before you can do any flying or any advertising.

    Probably the first thing your lawyers will recommend you do is develop a business plan and a marketing plan.  In the US you can call upon the Small Business Administration for help with that.  Many other countries have equivalent services.

    On the whole, expect to spend $15,000,000 to start even a small regional operation.

    Good luck!

  2. Yes, you can lease (rent) an aircraft to start an airline. Some of the worlds largest airlines lease most of their aircraft. First you need to contact the FAA, CAA or whatever regulatory body governs air transportation in your country. You must obtain an operating certificate by complying with a large number of rules and procedures that would fill an encyclopedia. In addition to flight crew, you also need to hire a number of experienced personnel to fill key positions required to run such a business, whether it is an taxi service, airline, or aircraft charter business. At a minium you usually need a Chief Pilot, Director of Flight Operations, Director of General Operations, Director of Maintenance, Director of Training, etc. etc. All this takes quite a bit of time and a LOT of money since you're going to be paying rent on your aircraft, rent on office and airport space, and salaries to quite a few people for up to a year before you can even start flying and generating revenue.  Even if you're going to be be a very small one-plane, one-pilot operation, there are still a large number of regulations to comply with and you cannot do all the jobs yourself and have to contract some of it out, such as maintenance. Contact your government aviation office and request information on starting an airline. It's free.

    There's an old saying with a lot of truth in it: If you want to end up being a millionair in the airline business, start with 10 million and know when to quit.

  3. A lot more than a question on Yahoo answers for sure!

  4. You're going to rent a plane to start an airline?

  5. How do you make a small fortune in aviation?

    Begin with a Large fortune...

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