
I want to start and environmental club, but I don't know when/how to bring it up?

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What should we call it? I need a catchy name to think of!

When should I tell the principle my ideas? (Before, after, during school)

What should I tell her?





  1. i think thats a great idea.  Can drives, food drives, and planting trees in front of the school are always pretty good.  Or u could hav a club where u do sumthing different every month or week...

  2. Here are a couple suggestions:

    Greenwave of the future

    Invest in green futures

    The green club

    Students for a Green Future

    I have entered web resources below.

    You could pull together some research  material from:

    Ohio Climate Roadmap for reducing carbon in the atmosphere.  There are suggestions for schools to reduce carbon emissions, grants to apply for, etc.

    I would suggest that a tour/trip be made to the landfill on state route 68 be scheduled for the group.  I have been on two tours and barbecues that have been held there when the event was open to the public.  It is very enlightening and at the same  time it is eye opening to see all of the garbage hauled in from out of state.  There is a truck coming in every minute or so from states that have no landfills., such as the eastern coast states.  

    You could also sponsor a junior event with Bellefontaine elementary students to educate them in the importance of reducing waste and recycling.  My 8 year old grandson asked his mom what he could do to help the world because of pollution, so he insists that she recycle everything, including shredding paper instead of throwing it in the trash.

    One of the best resources for Logan County is the website for the Logan County Solid Waste District and Keep Logan County Beautiful.  This organization promotes the Zero Waste Program, which has a deadline of the year 2020.  There is  are also industries in Logan County that have a zero landfill goal by 2010, including the Honda factories and TRC Inc.  

    This organization also is a great source for scholarships and grants.  There is a good story about the western elementary school students and good teaching resources.  

    You can also search the web for  CRAG information.  These are organizations that involve citizens for Carbon Reduction Action Groups.

    I commend you for your desire to start a group devoted to this subject.

    Also, for future reference, there is an Environmental Health & Safety  program at James A Rhodes State College.  It is a two year program earning an Associates degree.  There is a great need for students to enter this occupation.  I can get brochures for this program if you are interested in spreading the word.  I am not an employee working at the school, I am an adult student there.

    Please feel free to send me an email and I can help you contact any of these organizations.

    I would put together an outline of your ideas and goals for the group before I present it to the principal.   Enlist the help of other students that may be interested in organizing this club and brainstorm ideas and the direction of the group.  There are many directions to take it and you may need to focus on a smaller scale which can lead to larger projects in the future.

    I wish you good luck!

  3. get a group together first

    see the teacher after school

    out line your plan

    call it something with Eco in it

    or Friends of the earth

    the (name of the school)tree huggers

    Start with investigating problem areas

    and make a map

    Outline all the Natural areas

    and list problems and mark proprosed actions on the map

    check my site for general stuff

    in eco problems

    Help change

    Animals and people

    And starred questions under conservation and eco conscious

    If your plan sounds determined enough

    you will find help along the way

    ask parents to finance it

    money or equipment will come from other sources as well if its a good idea.

    You could organize to clean up a specific area;...

  4. How about Rock Can Roll; you can recycle old aluminum cans.  For water bottles, you can call it Clear Out.

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