
I want to start and "AIDS RELIEF FUNDRAISER" at my school, What do i need to get started?

by  |  earlier

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This is a big school, and they are already doing a useless fundrasier to help an elemetry school get a playground. people in Africa and Asia, dont even have schools to go to!! wtf




  1. u need a goal.. objectives.. vision.. mission.. structure..

  2. Before you start, ask yourself: "Why will people care?"

    I hate to sound mean, but fundraiser requires people, people who CARE. You can hold a fundraiser all you want, but if people don't care, it's not going to matter.

    And while you can say that kids in Africa and Asia don't have schools to go to (although they DO), how will that make people CARE about AIDS?

    Try to find an AIDS clinic in your county and go from there. Could you fundraise stuffed animals for your local hospital and/or emergency services; ambulances carry stuffed animals with them in case they need to comfort small children. Talk to your local EMTs for more info.

    If you DO raise money for AIDS, where will it go? How will it be used? WHAT will you raise? Are you going to raise shoes to send to kids in Africa? Are you going to raise money to send to AIDS research? What?

  3. ask your vice or principle

  4. permission from the principle and friends to help make the group

  5. look for organizations you intend to help and seek their endorsement to make it authentic and also have receipt printed with "receipt number" , persons authorize to receive, list of names of person/teacher/principal for auditing and internal control.Have designs for your streamers ready.

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