
I want to start biking to lose weight but do i need a proper bike or will a mountain bike do???thanx?

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I want to start biking to lose weight but do i need a proper bike or will a mountain bike do???thanx?




  1. just keep riding dont matter what kinda bike enjoy your self

  2. At the end of the day its not about the bike it about how fit are you but it does help to have a good bike :)

    If you do go for a new bike get 1 with lots of gears it will make life a bit easier while you build yourself up.

  3. start off with a normal mountain bike.

  4. an ordinary bike will do... good luck!!!!

  5. okay i know for a fact that you should get a mountain bike

  6. get a bike w/ a lot of gears so u can work ur way up

  7. Any bike will do, though certain types may be more effective/fun/affordable/useful for you.  Think about any possible avenues cycling will take you in the near future.  For example, if you see bike commuting being a part of your lifestyle in the months ahead, then a bike oriented toward commuting in your environment may be the best purchase now.

    For weight loss and fitness concerns, a heart rate monitor (or HRM) is just as important...or moreso...than bike choice.  The HRM will allow you to see how your heart is responding to your level of effort.  Keeping your heart rate in the desired zone for sustained periods burns body fat.  Your HRM will also indicate when your efforts aren't enough to do much of anything for your personal fitness (too low intensity) and when your efforts might be unnecessarily stressful on your body as you reach your goals.  With a sensible diet, frequent rides, and the ability to track your body's performance with a HRM, I believe you will begin seeing results after the first week.

  8. Its a great way to lose weight! Any bike will do, just make sure its safe. Have a bike shop do a tune up so you don't hurt yourself. I have included some sites to help you get started.

  9. As a devoted roadie (someone devoted to racing bikes) I hate to say it but... a mountain bike IS a proper bike... A lot of the advice above is sound, but I would like to add one thing:

    If you are looking to lose weight, don't pay too much attention to the scale. For the first period - could be weeks, could be months, depending on your intensity - you will not see any change in weight. This may be discouraging, but it shouldn't be. You are toning your body and adding muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight loss in fat will be more than compensated for by your gain in muscle. In other words, you WILL be getting into shape, but not losing WEIGHT.

    After a while the weight will start to come off too. Just keep it up, and congratulations on doing something for your health and taking up one of the greatest leisure time activities available!

  10. Any bike works!

    Its the motion of moving your legs that helps you exercise, even if you are not going anywhere.

    Depending on where you want to ride it will help in how easy or hard the cycling is, but other than that it makes no difference.

    Good luck with everything (I'm doing the same as you )!

  11. a mountain bike is probably best because you change the speeds so your working harder to pedal even when you're on a flat surface

  12. I would suggest a hybrid bike, it's a match between a road and mountain bike, mines from Evans bikes and having had both normal and mountain bike  the hybrid is far better, the bigger mountain bike tyres are fine for the rocky path but th rolling resistance is far greater. Remember to buy a good quality D lock.

  13. you would be better on a road bike..every other night couple miles and build it up as you feel you can..make sure and wear a HELMET!!!!

  14. Mountain bike will do, but do yourself a favor if you're riding it on the street get 'slicks' or city tires. The knobby tires on typical mountain bikes are not designed for paved roads and the city tires will also economize your energy in/out on your bike.

    Most slicks run around $30-40 a pair.

  15. a mountain bike is fine

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