
I want to start my labour?

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i have got 4 days left and my baby weighs almost 8lb i want to go in labour s*x is out of the question as im not up to that but what about having an o****m will this work if not what will?




  1. sorry to be the bearer of bad news,well not bad.Every women gets fed up in the last couple of weeks.Unfortunately your baby will be born when good and ready.You can try old wives tales but they don't work....tried them all!

    I have had five children and I know what the last few days are like just try and relax and wait for it to happen naturally.DO NOT try castor oil it makes you sick,gives you and your baby diarrhea and really isn't worth all the hassle.

    An o****m will only work if you are ready to go into labour anyway but you can try.

  2. that's why s*x works is from o****m- it contracts your uterus when you have an o****m, nipple stimulation and lots of walking

    i also wanted to say that sperm helps soften the cervix some

  3. my sister in law sat in her hot tub for 5 minutes and she started labor 5 hours later; i know it's not good to raise the temp of the baby but it worked for her and the baby was fine. just don't spend more than 3-5 minutes in there and make sure the water temp isn't above regular body temp. i think it was the pressure of the jets on her back and such that possibly "knocked something loose" as opposed to the water temp. or drive down a bumpy road...i have heard that works too!

  4. Eat fresh pineapple!! I was a week overdue with my baby and ate some one evening after being told it could help things start...... about 8 hours later my labour started!!!

    It MUST be fresh though and not from a can.  Hope this helps and good luck with your baby.  

  5. an o****m could help, it releases oxytocin, which is the hormone that causes conctractions to start. i think nipple stimulation is meant to do this too.

    walking helps bring the baby into a better position, so may help to start labour.

    acupuncture and reflexology are also thought to help stimulate labour, but make sure the person is qualified and knows about working with pregnant women.

    also eating spicy food is supposed to work too.

    however, none of these might work, the baby will come when its ready.

    good luck!

  6. My water broke for both of mine at 38 weeks while cleaning house.

  7. I have seriously tried EVERYTHING, and nothing has worked for me. Walking is the best thing you can do....The baby is going to come when he/she is ready, not when you want him/her to come, trust me.

  8. Honey, there's no way to know for sure how big your baby is!!!!!!!!

    You need the testosterone on your cervix, but nipple twiddling will also stimulate the hormones to some degree.  Lots of walking and deep knee bends are good too.

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