
I want to start recycling. Where do I begin?

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I mean how do I know what to do with my trash......I don't know of any recycling centers.




  1. You can begin in your own house.Visit your local recycling center to learn more about what kind of waste you can recycle or take a walk to see what kind of recycling containers there are near you.You can recycle paper,organic waste,aluminum cans,plastic bottles,Glass etc.It all depends on if your leaders ensured that your neighbourhood has recycling containers and if so what kind of containers.My advice is acquire a few small plastic or metal containers or boxes and place the recycling waste there before taking it to the recycling containers.Sort the waste by type.Organic waste you can use to fertilize your plants or feed the animals if you have a yard.You do not have to throw it away with miscellaneous garbage.Besides.It only creates unpleasant smell in the garbage and occupies space that can be used for non organic waste.Everything can be recycled but often the technology to recycle every kind of waste is not available everywhere due to various reasons.Transport or the price to build such a center or the location for it etc.

    If you do not know of any recycling containers ask your friends if they know.Take a drive around your neigbourhood.There should be at least one recycling container somewere.

  2. call RUMPKE and get a recycling bin then just put it in there

  3. Buy a bike.

  4. Recycle anything in your home. Maybe if you are free one day you can go for a walk and pick up trash you find.i know in VT we have a day dedicated to clean up the roads of trash.

  5. recycle cans bottles and news papers

  6. Most thing we buy at the store has packaging that can be recycled.  Just rinse all your bottles and jars and break down all the box packages and you're doing it! Start by getting some large bins and set them in your garage, basement, shed... Keep a smaller one in your kitchen that you can empty into the larger ones.  You can separate them into glass, aluminum, plastics, paper and cardboard. Your local dump should have an recycling center right on the premises, or they should know where there are centers.  Grocery Stores usually have a large bin to recycle plastic grocery bags right at the store! If you're really motivated you can compost a lot of your food scraps and make soil for your garden,  and in some states you can even get cash for your bottles and cans.  Just trying to recycle a little at this level can make a huge impact- thanks for helping our Earth!

  7. Check out ~ ~ for info about recycling, & where to find your nearest facility.  I would also suggest you double-check any facility info on the Earth 911 website with a follow-up call to the facility itself... we've found that sometimes the items they recycle or the hours of operation are not entirely accurate on the website.  I hope this helps!! :)

  8. Recycling doesn't just include pop bottles, beer cans, and newspaper, but everything in your house. Look up a freecycle group for your area. (Yahoo groups) I've been able to give away things around the house that I no longer have a use for to someone that could use them. I really believe that keeping anything of use to someone out of a landfill is very important in the recycling movement.

  9. Find the closest recycling center to your house.  

    Find out what they accept.

    Collect it and take it there.


    This is a great site for recycling......

  11. Does your town not have a recycling programme such as the blue box or wet/dry? If not look up recycling depots, places for toxic products as well as local thrift/second hand stores for old clothes/books/ etc...

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