
I want to start running? Don't know where to start?

by  |  earlier

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Hey there, so Iv'e decided to lose some weight/just feel better, I'm going to start running. Now, I've tried to start running once. It didn't go so well. I did that couch potato to 5 k thing. Now, my question is, how should I go about running again? I am not really in shape, I get out of breath easily, should I just start out with stretching, a warm up walk,a nd then running until I'm out of breath, walking again? OR should I do something different? Please help, I want to start tomorrow!




  1. go to your local running track instead of running on the streets so you don't too much pressure on your body.Get some friends or family to run with you so your not alone and have encouragement.and you should start with stretching and walking.Then gradually work in to running to get your endurance up.go out for about 40 minutes a day and you should start to lost weight.Oh remember to eat healthy to help lost the weight too.Continue to do this to keep the weight off.Good luck and healthy eating.  

  2. so to start run 2-3 miles (any pace) about 3-4 times a week.

    you can go at a slow pace if thats what you need.

    be sure to stretch and drink lots of water.

    the next week you can run 2-3 miles again maybe 3-5 times a week.

    but then you can try running a little faster and stopping less.

    then you just keep building up from there.

    i hope it helps and good luck =)

    if you go without stopping when you are tired you will build up more endurance.

  3. Yes, you should DEFINITELY start stretching first.

    Oh, and avoid energy drinks. I never drink them because I get bad sugar crashes later on.

    You should check out your strengths and weaknesses in running first.

    For example, I used to be good with sprints, but too many people beat me at that, but then I discovered how long I can run on a track for. I'm now one of the champion long-distance runners (girls) in the grade.

    First, try just sprinting on a local track or grass that isn't wet or slippery. Ask someone to time you, and if you continue to improve each time, ask someone good at sprints to race you. If they beat you by a long shot, try doing long distance.

    I'd just run around an average track for as long as possible. Again, ask someone to count your laps. If you continue to improve your laps each time without tiring quickly, you'll know long distance is for you.

    Keep Running! I love the sport, and it's definitely one of my greatest sports passions.

  4. Firstly stretching isnt nearly as important as warming up before any exercise because your body is not in motion and when you go from not doing anything to physical activity its practically in shock.

    Walk/Run/Walk Strategie:

    -walk for half mile and then lightly jog half mile and finishing with walking half mile back and finishing your workout with half mile jog back. I wouldnt suggest doing anything over two miles until you get your body accustomed to the running. Then do some light stretching afterwards and drink water to keep the metabolism high.

    Do the warm-up, stretch, walk run walk workout, stretch for a couple of weeks and then start building up to some higher distances...btw lift light weights with high reps to start getting your body more "lean" and with crunches. Also cross train to get that heart rate high and working the body some other way then running: Stationary Bike is probably the best way to go.

  5. walk for a certain amount of time and run for a certain amount of time repetitively for like a 3 mile period.

    example: Walk for 2 minutes, then run for 30 seconds over and over again until you complete the 3 miles.

    as you get into better shape you can gradually decrease your walking time and run more. Eventually, you will be able to run the whole 3 miles. Good luck.

  6. well you should definitely stretch before you run. that is extremely important. you don't want to pull a muscle or anything. stretch your hamstrings, calves, etc.

    make sure you are hydrated but don't drink water right before you run.

    start out easy. do something that you are comfortable with but not too comfortable. before i run for practice, my coach makes us do a couple warm up laps and then we stretch for about 10-15 minutes.

    i'm not really sure about what you should start off running.. but i guess you could try a mile at first. good luck

  7. dont overdue it

    work your way into it

    overdoin it in the beginning does nothing for you

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