
I want to start running to keep fit, can someone help out with some running tips or a running guidleline?

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I want to start running to keep fit, can someone help out with some running tips or a running guidleline?




  1. start out small like just running a block and then back. the next day do one more and keep going that way. i did this and it was easier than running a lot at once also i felt like i could do more.

  2. Go to

    you will find a lot of advice and tips there.

    Or subscribe to the magazine.

  3. I disagree with Starlight on one point. I have worn Nike Xccelerator TR running shoes since  I was 17(I'm 23 now) and have never had an injury because of them. It's all about finding a shoe that fits properly and supports you properly. Some Nikes won't work for some people, and some Asics won't work for some people. I would go to a store and try several different pairs before making a decision.

  4. if your going to start running you need to know a couple things that are really important.

    like drink lots and lots of water (especcially during these hot summer months)

    You also need to get some good running shoes. I would recomend asics, or brooks. Don't go with the nike or adidas, they aren't made for running and they can result in injury.

    Another thing, always stretch after runs. Before is ok just be careful not to pull anything when your muscles aren't warmed up yet. If you need stretches email me

    Now, for a schedule. I think a daily 45 minute run is good for getting into, and staying in shape. I'm not giving you a set distance because since you are not really training for anything you can run as fast or as slow as you want that day.

    I would take one or two days a week off as recovery days. During those days you can either sit around and do nothing or do some sort of cross training (like hiking or swimming etc.)

    I hope I answered your question well enough. If not or if you have any other questions please feel free to email me at

    Good Luck! Have Fun!

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