
I want to start selling some stuff online, should I use paypal or something else?

by  |  earlier

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I hear a good number of people don't like paypal, but what else is there to use? And what kind of fee's will be charged to me for using it?




  1. I like paypal. Although for the basic account you can online withdraw 500 dollars a month. Thats probably the only downfall of the basic paypal option. you can upgrade for a fee which will allow you are more to withdraw every month but they charge you interest. But, overall it's a good site if you don't like giving out you debit/credit information.

  2. Paypal charges $0.30 per transaction, plust 2.9% of the total amount.

    You can have them send you check or money order, and there is no fee to you...

  3. E-bay


    Check their web site for fees

  4. Hi, Just talk to me for this problem. I am telling you the simple solution. Make a paypal Account. Choose a Premier Account if you are going to sell online. Paypal Fee chart is given at their website, its nominal. Goto Merchant Services Tab There. Choose "Sell Single Item" option. Choose the button type. Follow the instructions. You will be given the HTML code. Place the code in your website. You will be able to accept both credit Cards as well as payment via paypal instantly. There is no any other simple method to use. Thanks

  5. If you want a **SERIOUS** online business venture, you will need 1) a merchant account, and 2) an online gateway for the merchant account. You'll need a programmer to connect the dots.

    There will be monthly fees and a per-charge transaction fee, which goes down if you have over a certain amount of transactions per month.  I can't mention specifics, as the y vary from processor to processor.

    We use CardService International, with it's Linkpoint interface, a merchant account and gateway in one.

    A web site that has payPal only for payments demonstrates one thing: you want to make money, but you're not serious enough to invest in the business to get a real credit card processor. People won't always know this factually, but it will come across as cheap, and you will lose sales.

    If all of this is too much for you, the best choice is to set up an eBay store and use the payPal tools in place. It's really the cheapest way to "sell some stuff" online.

  6. PayPal is the predominant payment method on eBay.  For those with stand alone websites, the predominant payment method is a credit card accepted via a merchant account.  As more eBay sellers open their own websites, you might see more general acceptance of PayPal.

    For a lower level of payments received, the PayPal fee is 2.9% plus $0.30 per payment received.  The fee is assessed on the entire amount received, not just the purchase price.

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