
I want to start shaving, but i do not know what i should do.

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I want to start shaving, but i do not know what i should do.

Should i ask my dad or should i just do it. And if i dont ask and do it i would have to use his razor since i d not have one and he has one of those gillete fusion razors so its not like theres more than one. Also if i dont ask that would be really embarrasing for me when they see me. So id think id rather ask but how should i ask? How did u ask. Anyone have stories to tell? I get really embarrassed alot. Id also want to start shaving asap becaus eto more im going to see my friends again that i havent seen a while and i do not want them 2 c me with a moustache.

P.S. my dad is temporarily disabled so if i dont ask he will probably know im using his stuff so id rather ask.




  1. I assume you don't have an older brother or a friend who is also shaving because if you did they could help you alot ..

    But i suggest that you just talk to youre dad alone and just say Dad i think i need to shave and i was wondering you could teach me ...

    Its really that simple bro ..i mean the worst he could say is no ..

    But dont use his razor without his permission in fact dont use another guys razor  at all because you could get an infection..

    Besides you need youre own right ?

    don't be embarassed just ask him ..

    Stay cool


  2. Been there.  I was so embarrased to shave that I did it when nobody else was around.

    Ask your dad if he thinks you need to shave and then have him get you your own razor and shaving gel and a soothing lotion to use afterwards.  Don't use after shave with alcohol on your young skin.

    Listen up guys, in case you didn't know, it is not cool to use someone else's razor.  HIV has been spread that way, it's documented.

  3. well  15 is way fine to start your dad has probaly noticed but you need to walkover and say dad i think i need to shave  he will be happy to get the razer after a [talk ] lol as for  the razer  if you used it  and then he used it  it will give him a rash then you ma not see 16 lol he may skin you you need one of your own      but he will feel better if you asked      remember the friends are going through the same things so dont worry about them

  4. Ask him.

    I'm 14. I started getting a moustashe at 12. I asked him.

    Anyways, it's a good father and son bonding session.

  5. DON'T shave! just trim. get a trimmer at the drugstore, if you dont have money, steal (it's not that bad. i do it)

  6. personally, i was terrified to see about how awkward it would be if i asked my dad, so i just used a new razor from his pack and started doing it! just buy one if you just don't want him to find out your using his, or if you're comfortable enough, just ask him! its really no big deal!

    email me if you need more help! i'll give it a shot

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