
I want to start skateboarding?

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so im a girl and i would like to start skateboarding because i tried my friends skateboard and i thought it was so much fun! even though i fell a gazillion times lol. anyways. i want to get a skateboard and start riding one. but first i need to know the basics.

what kind of skateboard should i get?

whats the difference between a real board and a poseur board?

helpful tips on balance.

how to turn.

how to stop.

tell me everything you know please!!!




  1. since your a beginner get a mongoose,, there bout 20 bucks...

    posur boards suck more then reals..

    spread your feet out,, like right by where the screws are..

    you can stop just by putting your foot down,, or jump off!!

    or just stop pushing on it.. and it should slow down giving you the opportunity to jump off.

    i was a beginner last year!!


    oh and get good shoes.. live dvs,, adio,, DC,, somethin like that

    hope this helped

  2. I started skating back in the 80s.   I stopped in the late 90s due to laziness.   A poser board....if you can ride it and you enjoy it who cares what it is?   My first vert board was a cheap Veriflex.  That was when boards were shaped like fish.   Birdhouse (Tony hawks company) makes good boards.   If you can find one, get a California Cheap Skates or CCS catalogue.   They have (if it still exists) tons of stuff.   You will fall, you will hurt you willhave fun and as long as you just dont carry the board around like some of the kids do these days no one can call you a poser.  

  3. 1. Go into your local skateshop and ask the guy behind the counter to help you figure out what board you want to get.

    2. A real board will last a lot longer and is made from proper good material.

    3. Keep practicing until your balance is good.

    4. Simply lift the first set of wheels up and turn it which way you want.

    5. Put your foot down (if you're going fairly slow and fast).

    6. It would take me all day to tell you everything I know, lol.

  4. Get a girl board, seriously. It's what i ride, they have a great shape and exceptional durability.

    no such thing as a poser board if you can ride

    skateboarding is mainly self taught. Just ride the thing have fun and experiment with different tricks and that's how you progress.

  5. go to

    I've shopped from them for years. anything there won't be a poseur or cheap walmart-esque board. You can buy things cheaper. My advice would be to peruse their site (or anyother skateboarding site) and familiarize yourself with the components of a skateboard eg. deck, trucks, wheels, bearings, riser pads etc.

    It's a simple machine and you can figure out what does what, and what goes where by looking at it.

    the only way to get good at skateboarding is to do it. to practice. There are many ways to stop, and as a beginner it will primarily be to jump off, or if going slow enough, to place your rear foot (left if you're goofy, right if you're normal foot) on the ground lightly and drag it flat until you stop.

    As for what board to buy, buy a smaller board, the thinnest and shortest (without buying a kid's board) that you can, usually 7.5 inches wide by 29-31 inches long.

    Sad to say, but you're going to get hurt, ALOT. just stick with it its so much fun.

    Buy a dvd of basic skateboarding techniques, I got a tape many many years ago and with camera angles and detailed breakdowns of tricks its good to see what you're supposed to be doing.

    Hope this helps! and happy skating.

    oh, and as for which deck to buy, check out whatever company's deck you like, you may find out you hate their company or their whole image, and you won't want to sport a huge advertisement for their company on your board. OR just get a blank one and decorate it yourself

  6. what kind: unanswerable, we don't know your size, weight, etc.

    real and poseur: there's no real difference

    how to balance: just bend your knees. if its not a natural feeling then you should probably give up, its just not for you.

    how to turn: shift your weight to either side.

    how to stop: for begginners? jump off.

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