
I want to start tennis...?

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I'm thinking of trying out for my schools tennis team next year (9th grade), and I want to get in shape over the summer. (I used to love playing years ago, but I'm rusty and not super athletic). Does tennis require a lot of stamina? 'Cause I'm a good sprinter, but I really suck at endurance running. Any tips for how to get ready for try outs in September?

Note: I'm not overweight at all, I just lack stamina. I'm sure if I trained enough I could gain some stamina.

Thanks! =)




  1. just do some running and practice with a friend

  2. practice practice practice

    dont do just do tennis though

    go to the gym

  3. Try jogging because tennis does need a lot of endurance and stamina. You should also just practice if you are going to try out. Work on serves, returning the ball, etc.

    Of course, sprinting will also come in handy if you have to run up to it.

  4. Workout

  5. just run some miles every day in the morning or afternoon. start small, dont start with the whole mile. then afterwards inch little by little to a full mile. and yes, tennis does require a lot of stamina, especially when you're in those nonstopping games when its hard to beat the other person. thats where endurance comes in (and when you run after the ball XD)

  6. Yes tennis requires a lot of stamina and agility. Just do a lot of running and cross training over the summer and you should be all good.

  7. go for it! don't worry too much about stamina, you will get better

  8. im not gonna lie im like u but im fat lol and im gonna play tennis next year too if u play singles u got to be able to move around fast to cover ur gound so i avies playing doubles if posible.

  9. Practice, practice, practice!  Over the summer hit the tennis courts with friends to practice.  Consider even taking a lesson to get good technique and really improve your game.  A lesson will teach you proper ways to hit the ball as well as ball control among other things. Tennis requires stamina so maybe do cardio too to get yourself in shape.

  10. The best training for tennis is to play some games & do some drills i.e. targeted hitting. Get a partner to hit with and hit cross courts both ways , up & down trams & serving then play games as you need to get "your eye in" as well as build up stamina.

  11. everyone is right. school is almost out and right now you still have the weekends free. go out with some friends and just practice and if your friends are not at your level use the wall.

    youtube have instructional videos that you can watch and imitate. and for an early birthday/Christmas present ask your parents for tennis lessons.

  12. not really?

    u just have to be able to sprint-stop-sprint back and it it every time accuratley but u get a moment to rest when u return and when they serve so its not like non stop for hours!

  13. No I dont think you need stamina for Tennis at that Level, the courts aren't that large.  I was not very thin in high school but I still was a fairly good player.  The main thing you should work on is hand eye coordination. This website tells you all you need to know.

  14. Like the main thing my coaches made all of us do is run lines.

    If you know what that is, definitely do it a lot. It really helps stamina wise. It's tiring for anyone, even the most in shape people. I really hate doing it, but it helps a lot.

    Also, instead of sprinting, focus on distance running. That is the main stamina builder.

    Good luck dude.

  15. run and practice shuffling a lot. you do need lots of endurance and agility

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