
I want to start to follow football. Which code should I choose and why?

by Guest10653  |  earlier

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  1. Rugby Union is really good because if your team loses, generally, everybody's team loses. (eveybody meaning everybody in the same state). You cant get teased by anyone

  2. NFL Its the most popular sport in the USA.

  3. That's a question you're probably going to have to resolve for yourself as only you would know what you like. Watch all the codes and see which one you enjoy most.

    All those football codes you mentioned are popular in Australia with lots of passionate followers, so you won't be a loser no matter which one you decide on. Follow all of them if you've got the time and energy! Probably best to support your local team as you'll be able to see more matches live if you want to really get into it.

  4. if you want to follow the most passionate fans, start following college football in america....

    ohio state v. michigan

  5. i prefer AFL because it is a much more free flowing game and isn't stop starting all the time. The scores are usually high and it allows for a great atmosphere when watching a game.

  6. Soccer is the best sport to watch because it is a relatively low scoring game and the tension gets high.

    The players are so highly skilled....I think somewhat more than the other codes.

    The popularity of soccer (or football as it is now known in Oz) has grown enormously since qualifying for the WC this year so there will be a lot of spectator support in the pubs in a few months!

    That said.....Victoria will be trying to reclaim the Cup from the Sydney Swans this year, so there will be a big fight and the code is uniquely Australian.

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