
I want to stay in amsterdam for a month or two when i get my 21st birthday money, can anyone give me some tips

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend are going to use the money we get for our birthdays to set ourselves up in amsterdam for a month or two, we dont have jobs sorted but are willing to take work anywhere, whether that be in a cafe or a kitchen, i just want some advice and tips, possibly from someone who's already done this, as to where is best to look for little jobs like that, me and my friend are both english speaking and dont know a word of dutch, however were gonna try learn a few words before we go. any help appreciated!!




  1. No one is going to hire you if you're only there for a month or two , can't speak Dutch and aren't legally allowed to work (it's really strict here). Even if someone DOES offer you a job (which is very unlikely as they are plenty of Australians etc. with legal papers who are desperate for bar jobs or whatever), you'd probably only get..what 6 euro at most an hour (as you are illegal).

    It's best for you to work at home, save enough money and THEN come to Amsterdam.

    Hostels are around 20euro per night. You can probably negotiate if you're staying for 1-2 months. Alternatively, you can share a nice apartment with your friend for around 1000 euro per month.

  2. one suggestion i have is to purchase your tickets for amster way in will save a few hundo!

    i do travel for a company...

  3. You won't find a job legally, but a lot of places hire people illegally for cafes/restaurants, etc. Just ask around once you're there! As far as an inexpensive place to stay, I recommend renting a vacation home in/near Amsterdma or in Haarlem for example (15 mins by train). See for vacation homes there. It will be a lot cheaper than staying at a hotel or even a hostel, so you don't have to worry as much about finding a job quickly.

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