
I want to stay up as late as possible but Idont want to be bored?

by  |  earlier

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i want to do something at night that involves keeping my cloths trouble with the police....going outside is no problem with me....




  1. try  that place can take a few hours out of your night.

    then try going outside and jog for a while.  maybe have a nice workout.

    Go back inside and play with ice in and around your pants

    then go back outside and do some more.

  2. you could work out? video games,learn an is always fun

  3. If you have a t.v- Watch it. [There's Seinfeld, stand-up on Comedy Central, or other stuff]

    If you have a computer- Use it. [check out]

    If you have a game- Play it. [xBox, Ps3, wii, etc]

    If you have any friends- hangout w/ them. [SLEEPOVER!! unless ur 2 old 4 it]

    But seriously, you should drink a lot of caffeine.

    or p**n!!!!

  4. go for a walk

    go for a bike

    stay in and watch movies

    surf the web

    go skydiving

  5. Cocaine will keep you up.  If you have no problem going outside, vandalism would be fun.  Make friends with some homeless people and drink with them.  Why can't you kids think of your own fun anymore?

  6. Go to wal*mart... Its fun there... LOL... But next time innvite sum friends that can stay up LATE and have sum fun... Thats wut I did a sum nites ago... WE stayed uup til 6am... It was super... LOL

  7. depends on how old you are. if ur still a teenager. manhunt with friends is fun. or you can do something creepy and talk to spirits. [[ it's easy. take a deck of cards. shuffle them. black cards mean "no" and red cards mean "yes" the first question you always need to ask is. " is anyone out there" if the answer is no. restart.

  8. haha well it's usually easier if you have a friend who's staying up with you. Cuz then you can go play pranks on people who are sleeping. like draw on their faces or sumthing :P (by the way, if you're gonna draw on someone's face and you accidentally used permanent marker, don't try to clean it off while their sleeping with a wet towel, cuz they MIGHT smack you) :-/ haha

  9. go over a friends house

    go for a walk

    go online

    rent movies and watch

    watch tv

    play with something

    talk to yourself

    watch anime

  10. how about working out?

    that's what i do sometimes..

    or i start to clean my room, but thats when im reeeaaally bored.hah

    you could watch a movie, but that could make you fall asleep.

    fix a snack, ha, drink coffee?

  11. play a bunch of video games, stay on the computer all night long, watch a bunch of movies without falling asleep :D, txt people, make your own website, go outside and look up at the stars, call your friends and tell them to stay up with you, rock out to a bunch music XD, try to make an ivention that will come in handy later, try to brake a bone,pull a prank on somebody who is sleeping in your house, make a food that looks really nasty, Sit in a box and freak people out as they drive past you, go find a cool new website,play cards with somebody, make up your own game. and sorry I know thats not like to exiting, but thats all I could think of

  12. Watch T.V. Take a walk. Get on the computer.

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