
I want to stop Animal Abuse. Are you with me?

by  |  earlier

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Why do people do this?

I heard wolves get shot in Alaska and hitting seals is a sport in Canada.

That's mean, cruel and pathetic.

Just hearing it makes me want to cry. =/ errghh..




  1. im with you. i hate when people hurt animals. once when i went on vacation (i forget where) and this guy was fishing and he had a fish on his hook that was all bloody and it was still alive a little. i felt so bad for it that i felt tears in my eyes. i wanted to throw the fish back in the water even though it was going to die anyway. hope this helped. :)

  2. I don't like either but like with deer and stuff they kill them because if they don't they would be over populated.

  3. everytime a person hits an animal, they should get there behing kicked.

  4. i'm totally with you. those ASPCA commercials make me cry. whoever abuses animals is a d-bag

  5. yes i am with you totally :)

  6. OH YEA!

    I'm with you 100%!

    Animals have feelings, just like we do.

  7. makes me cringe, thats way gross, and just plain wrong

  8. Yes I agree with you unfortunatly there is more evil than good in this world

  9. if i were to see a Canadian hit a seal--i would go to prison for killing the---A-----hole--with a ball bat---micheal vik should get the gas chamber for what he did--he does not deserve to live.

  10. me2 but im a kid so ya im with you!!

  11. I know! It really makes me want to cry to! HECK YES I AM WITH YOU!!!!!!!!

  12. thats horrible. im with you. stop the animal abuse.

  13. no. death to deer!!!!

  14. omg!!! that's not right!!! america is a poser!! and alaska is not helping that pose right now!!

    i think that people should realize that animals are living things!!

    thats y i'm a vegetarian!!

    i treat animal abuse just like child abuse because it's rediculous!!

    hope this helps well i mean never mind!!


  15. yeah of course

    michael vick is a w***e

  16. sorry. I love seafood. Yo

  17. im with you on this one

  18. ohhhh yeahhhhhh!

  19. people do this because they need clothing to wear. i wana stop it so bad im killing myself (not litterally.)

  20. Another case of a poor, misinformed individual. While I do not know the truth of hitting seals, I do know that wolves do get shot in alaska. However, that is for a perfectly acceptable reason. Moose in alaska are being killed off in Fairbanks by too many wolves. Why don't you cry about how all the poor moose are getting mauled and ripped apart by Wolves? The reason we shoot the wolves is so that the two species can coexsist without having extremely differing populations. This is not inhumane, it is necessary. Please get the facts right.

  21. I am definitely with you. That's why I'm also a vegetarian.

  22. i agree with you. but anywhere u go there will be animal abuse. i think those people should go to jail.

  23. 1.(jo) omg you are so right!!!!!!!!! that is just cruel!!!!!!! i cant belive that >.< Evil buttmunches.... god....

    2.(ash) i hate animal abuse! its wrong on so many levels!!! I used to watch this show -animal cops- and still do. many times i've almost cried seeing what those animals go through! i love it tho when there is a happy ending, like when they get better & find a loving home!

  24. yes but there is nothing me or you can do about this the problem is to large sorry all we can do is pray anyway the persons who do that will meet their maker someday and have to answer for it .

  25. yeah my dog got spayed today

    and everybody should do the same

    yeah they shoot wolves- so

    you can protect all the seals you want and i'll kill all the coyotes i want

  26. i mean hitting seals is horrible but you have to understand that they shoot wolves because they are overpopulated an a threat to humans and livestock i heard that one of my dad's friends kids was waiting at a bus stop waiting for the school bus and he was killed by a wolf.

  27. my dad used to abuse my dog when i was like 4 now he doesn't do it anymore i always wondered y?

    also i am 100% with you

  28. Um seals aren't in Canada as far as I know, maybe near the coast but yeah we do not do that!

    There is more animal abuse that goes on in the United States.

    We treat our animals very good over here, I can't speak for all of us, but I can speak for myself, my family and everybody I know though.

    If anyone hurt a seal and I knew about it I'd go right up to them and whack them over the head with something.

    A lot of people do hit animals on the road though and it makes me SO angry, same with my dad he always gets out to drag turtles off the road and anything else, he makes sure deer get to the other side and everything, he'll block the road right off.

    There's idiots all over the world though that do that, yes I want to stop it but I don't think we can stop it, at least not all of it, but yes we can try and I'll do everything I can and have been doing everything I can.

    I take good care of my snakes though and my cat recently got hit by a car purposely so I know exactly how you feel about angry when they hurt an animal.

    We need more people in the world like you though!

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