
I want to stop Masturbating..?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, and have been masturbating for 2 years now.

I've only had a wet dream once before because i m********e too much!

It's getting boring, tedious and very repetitive now, it doesn't feel as good as it used to.

Does this usually happen? Do people get bored of masturbating?

Anyways, i really want to stop because i don't seem to be getting much pleasure out of it can i get myself to stop?

And i KNOW that it's perfectly normal and that it's healthy but i still want to stop.




  1. Whenever you start masturbating.. imagine something very disturbing.. like your dad giving you oral s*x.. yes, do you picture it? Yeah, now you can't ever get that image out of your head. You will thank me (or not) later.. muahaha

  2. Get a girlfriend..Then u wont need to jerk off every


  3. read this & they will explain you everything about masturbating personally i found those information very useful

  4. Maybe you aren't getting much enjoyment out of it anymore because it is just a habit now & you are thinking about it too much or feeling guilty. You need more self control, you say you want to stop, but it is just like any other addiction, you need to focus on something else, I don't know what else you like to do, keep your hands occupied doing something else, if all else fails, read the bible...

  5. Don't stop cold turkey. Just reduce the amount of time you're doing it per week.

    If you do it 5 times a week, reduce it to 4 and when you get used to 4, then reduce it again.

  6. it some kind of addicted.once u start u will always do it.for sure,to stop masturbatin need a lot of patient.

  7. instead of masturbating try to focus on something else  

  8. Get real...its real adults here you are talking know you are going to keep j*****g off

  9. maybe m********e in other places you've never experienced :|

    or maybe get a life and if your that horny have s*x!?!?!

    just a casual guess......

  10. It is certainly voluntary, you just don't do it if you don't want to.  

  11. its fine

  12. It's your hormones making you want to m********e and there's nothing you can do about that.  What they really want you to do is have s*x with someone and make babies and assure the continuation of the species.  You must be getting something out of masturbating or you wouldn't still do it.  However, you probably are mature enough that you really need a partner of some kind at least once in a while. That makes a huge difference.  That's the nature of s*x, that it was all meant to be shared.  Even the times you m********e by yourself, you can be thinking about your experiences with the other person.

  13. k dead serious... dont go have s*x but get a girl and have fun. Touch eachother and it will be fun again but dont stop cuz its not normal.. everyone masturbates and having a girl do it FOR you will be even better

  14. If you want to stop masturbating just do something else like read a book

  15. If you get a girlfriend than you will not have the feeling of jacking off, but make sure you find someone who like for who they our or you will have that feeling to jack of if you pick that person for their looks.

  16. I felt that way to just cut way back maybe one time a week

    im 15 too.

  17. try to keep yourself busy with other things. associate with people as much as you can. i find the top 2 reason people m********e are they are bored and lonely.

  18. hahaha, youre a guy, i dont really know how you can make yourself not-horny.

    umm get a girlfriend, try different ways..

    youre only 15. in a few years youll be doing other things not just masturbating. give it time.

    every time you want to start, just go find something else to do. and try to not think about it.

  19. You will never stop, don't even try. You are lying when you say you want too.

    The cave man jacked even GW does it, out onthe ranch with his horse!!

    Have you gotten the attention you are seeking YET??

    And why did you post this anyway

  20. Keep yourself super busy with other activities.

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