
I want to stop being indifferent to British royalty...?

by Guest10837  |  earlier

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Could someone please explain their system to me a little bit?




  1. All men are created equal.  These 'blue blood' people are descended from a long line of buttholes.  They are nothing.  However, it all comes down to having your **** kissed royally.

    My ancestors hail from Redruth, Cornwall, and now I understand why they came to America.

    You see, I am royalty.  And if you believe that, I have some property in the gulf I'll sell you.

  2. please rephase your question

  3. Bit of a puzzle this. Where are you. Are you British. To answer your question, we must know more about you. For instance, if you were British, you would say 'Why am I indifferent to our Royal family ?' wouldn't you, so I must assume you are a native of another country (don't like the word 'foreigner'). For myself, I have never thought of it as 'a system' perhaps I should have. So here goes--- I would describe our Royal family as an institution. It is a 'sheet anchor' in times of trouble. Something never changing.

    You may have heard the expression 'The King is dead, long live the king' , well,that sums it up really.

  4. what do you mean there system? ok if you are american i understand u dont know it, but i m australian n there our rolay family, ok, we have had our rolay family for 100's of years, n also, there job is simple they just have the final say in our mighty commonwealth, like if a prime minister wants to do something the country doesnt want the queen or king whoever has the throne can walk in n tell them to go jump, they can stop wars, n create peace to our commonwealth, they r a back up really, so if the leader of the country in the commonwealth is a jerk the queen can kick his **** n fire him or her..

  5. Our Royalty is  what makes us Stand out , and gives us somebody to look up to, and ,in answer to a previous Question our country is made up of Germans ,french scandinavians and Italians, who once invaded our shores a bit like America and its presidents  a melting pot .I doubt that is why your ancesters left England ,They went for the work ,Unlike you they would have idolised the Royals ,

  6. The Royal System of Succesion?The Act of Settlement can explain it quite good.As for a better understanding of basic things you may want to read the Constitution of the United Kingdom and you can also see a list of acts and statutes you may want to read(see the sources for all this)

    Anyway you can stop to be indifferent if you dont feel it you just dont.

  7. Seeing as you are posting on R&S here's a spiritual answer.

    It is the longest enduring throne on Earth, tracing back to the Kings of Israel, making it 3,000 years old and having dominion over the greatest empire the world has ever seen.

    That's not to say if you ae British you are superior to anyone else, it's God's doing, to preserve lands and society that would take his message to the world.

    Sadly the British themselves are blind to this (largely)

    British = berith-ish = covenant man in hebrew.

    God made covenant with Abraham and David, see below.

  8. Dont pay taxes, sell drugs, beat up old fragile people, wait did you say you wanted to be different than the British, ok then be nice to people, brush your teeth at least once a month and stop thinking you are the **** cuz u ain't.

    Just kidding you brits I'm a Canadian from across the pond, just having some fun if we can't laugh at ourselves then whatelse can we do, laugh at the Americans thats way better.

    And basically their system is and was to rape small countries take their money and resourses, and force their beliefs on the people occupying the country, basically what the British did to Native Americans.

  9. You need to buy lots of weekly magazines, filled with photos of members of the royal family.

    Cut them out and stick them in a scrap book.

    If you buy papers at the weekend, you'll find the colour supplements awash with opportunities to buy "tasteful" efigies of the late princess, or plates and mugs celebrating a royal event or anniversary of an event.

    Buy them all, fill your house with them and invite your friends round to admire them....

  10. you can have them all if you want them,they cost us a fortune

  11. The system is, a bunch of inbred, half Germans are paid billions of pounds while sitting on their backside.

    I'm amazed at the number of saps in this section who support those freeloaders.

    Are they any better than you or your family?

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