
I want to stop my neighbours loud radio can I buy some equipment to cause interference?

by  |  earlier

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can you please help because this noise is driving me crazy!!!!!




  1. If they are listening to FM radio, you could try an ipod FM transmitter.  Then broadcast your favourite music.

  2. Its is illegal to deliberately interefere with the radio.

    and if you did they could just play a tape or CD

    keep a record of it and call the council

  3. We had a similar problem in an area that I lived in years ago. The offender lived in a duplex and annoyed most of the street, deliberately I should add, so the rest of us neighbours got together and made note of when they went to bed and then we would either start mowing our lawns or have the kids practise their trumpets. The police got involved as you would expect but when they became aware of the problem, our police had the good sense to stand back and let the chips fall where they may. It was a Mexican stand off for about a week but the radio did fall silent and no ones ego was bruised in public too much. Worth another try.


  5. cant you just ask them to turn it down.....??

  6. Take the suppressor of your hover that will do the job.

  7. Lol, this reminds me of an occasion when my partners Dad bought a new train set for himself (as you do) and used to race the trains in his attic. The old lady next door who was deaf played her TV loud, and the train set caused an interference with it! She got annoyed and took the hint!.

    Otherwise, you should tell them outright to turn it down or if they dont, get the council involved.

  8. Just knock and politely ask them if they'd mind turning the volume down a little.  They may not realise how loud the radio is / how thin the walls are.

    Mind, we did that with our neighbours and they started a mini noise vendetta against us but we discovered our printer affects their TV signal (not that we retaliate you understand!).

  9. you should speak to them and if they dont listen get on to your local council. they will be able to help and look at noise polution very seriously.

       try being as diplomatic as you can be when speaking to neighbours as you dont want to inflame the situation and better to not have to resort to the council.

  10. go to the stores called the spy shop and but a jammer

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