
I want to stop people from posting new messages but I don't want to delete the group. How can I do this?

by Guest21175  |  earlier

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I want to stop people from posting new messages but I don't want to delete the group. How can I do this?




  1. You can turn off posting messages.  Go into Management and under Group Settings, click on Messages.  Click the edit link next to Posting and Archive.  In the who can post column, select either "off" or "moderators".  Save changes.  If you want to allow people to post again at a later time, you can change this back.

  2. Announcement or discussion?

    Is your group for distributing information, such as newsletter content or event announcements, or is it geared towards discussion? If you choose the announcement format, then only moderators can post messages. All other members participate as subscribers, but can't directly send messages to each other. Because announcement groups can have thousands of subscribers, members often don't know each other.

  3. You are able to either shut off just certain member's from posting messages. If they try to they will just be sent in the pending area and you can delete them there.

    Go to the member's section find the member you want to turn off or make their post go through you first. Under their name there will be  Offline, Send Message, and Edit Membership. Click on the edit Membership. Then a page will pop up with their name, email settings, and Membership Privileges. Under the Membership Privileges you'll see "Posting Messages:    Use Group Settings (Edit)". The edit is kind of tiny but click on that. Another page will pop up and give you 4 choices on their posting privileges. Pick which one you want then click the blue save changes button.

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