
I want to stop using.?

by  |  earlier

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I am a meth addict. I got pregnant and became clean immediately. My son is now 17 months old and I have started using again. I'm scared because I don't want to go back to that life I once lived on the streets or lose my son. I want to be a good mother and live to raise my son. I know what will happen if I keep going down this road but I feel like it is taking control of me again. I'm scared bc I don't know how to just stop. I don't do it every day but it seems like it is becoming more often. I have a full time job and have worked really hard to get where I am today. I don't use often enough to get into rehab soon and I will lose my job if I go. Counseling isn't working either. Does anyone have any positive things to say. I wish I could wake up and just it all away. I've heard of people doing that but for some reason I start with that idea and then the next week my mind and body are craving meth again. Every reason I can think of not to do it is pushed to the back of my mind. It's sad but these things don't even cross my mind when I think about getting high. I wish I had a different thought process like "hey could lose your son if you smoke that" but it's not that easy.




  1. You are heading down the right path.  You now have a son to think about.  When you get the desire look at a picture of him.  That hopefully will bring you back to reality.

    Also consider making an appointment with a psychiatrist.  They can put you on medications to allivate the craving.

    Also if you need to talk you can e-mail me anytime.

  2. i've never been on it so i cant say i know how you feel. but alot of my family and even my brother and his girlfriend has been on it and it will take you nowhere and im sure you know that. my brother and his girlfrend were shooting it up and going from pharmacy to pharmacy to buy sudafed and they got busted. now, their little daughter who is 6 months old got taken into states custody. and i dont even know if they care or not. and these same two ppl a couple of years ago wouldn't even let you smoke cigarettes in their house..meth turns you in to a totally different person. so when you have cravings to do it, just think about the most inportant thing in your life, your son. you dont want him to end up like my brothers baby. it sucks because now, because of them making bad decisions, me nor the rest of the family cant see the baby until all of this gets straightened out. im only 17 and i have had to put up with some crazy S**t. at one point in time, my brother was chasing my sister around the house with a knife because of something stupid.. (i cant remeber what it was about, i think it was about not lettin him borrow money or something) but yeah, im not sure if your a religious type of person or not. but just get in church and pray, i promise, it works...and their is always medacine that you can get that will take the cravings away, you  can get them at a walk-in clinic/rehab kinda place. just try keep trying really hard because if you choose to keep doing it, and even if you dont loose your son, he may end up doing it when he gets older because he's gonna think..well my mom does it, why can't i? but good luck and just keep trying to do good.

  3. Why don't you go and see a doctor, they could maybe prescribe you something that would help.

    Maybe you are depressed and need anti-depressants and you take Meth to self-medicate.

    You can do it, if not for yourself do it for your son.

    I really sympathise with you, I'm a bit like that with coke, I go through cycles of taking it and not taking it.  If you got clean once you can get clean again, you are a GOOD mother, you just need some help just now.

    If you need any support mail me.

    Best of luck x

  4. Everytime you Pick up that PIPE just think of your child looking at you and crying I personally havent been an addict but I know of ALOT of them   Do you have a SPONSOR if not your welcome to im me anytime or message if you need to.

  5. methh hurts more than just you

    think of your son when he sees his mom killing himself!

    seek help or else you will ruin yours and you sons lives!!

    ~no meth***

  6. For one, this is a much easier thing to say then do.

    But here are some things to do:

    Set some goals for yourself, other than to QUIT.  Like get a new car, go on a vacation, anything your heart desires.  Make sticky notes with these on them and put them in various places that you look at a lot.  Those goals are a reminder to quit and to have a great life for you and your son.  Then they will also become a reward.

    Have you ever been to jail? If so, print out your mug shot and put that in places too.  As a reminder you never want to be there.

    Keep hardly any cash on you so that you don’t really have the money to buy.

    Start going to church….

    You really need to cut yourself off from the friends and ppl that are access to this stuff.

    Make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit Meth and why you HATE it.  Read that list several times a day to remind and motivate you.

    Keep a picture of your son with you at all times.

    Get a locket, put a picture of your son in it and wear it.  Then know that if you were to do meth while wearing this, it is letting your son down, and that he would be disappointed. Let him be your courage and motivation!!

    Good luck girl, I know you will do the right thing!

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