
I want to study German in Germany and have to pick between two cities-Dresden or Bonn?

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The course is for 4 weeks and I just want to pick the location from where I can also travel to see other places.




  1. Well either Dresden nor Bonn is a good place to study german. There very hard dialects are spoken that the rest of the Germans only understand with a translator. The best german is spoken in Hannover, although it is the most boring city I do know in germany. ( That is from a research of the Itallian ministery for foreign affairs).  

  2. Bonn, with Beethoven Haus, is toward the west and Dresden, noted for Dresden China, is toward the east. Look at this map (and related info) and decide what you want to see in the limited time you'll have. You can decide based on your interests.

  3. I would definitely choose Dresden over Bonn - the latter lost a lot of its charm when it "lost" its status of Germany`s capital to Berlin after the re-unification. In the beginning and mid-nineties, Bonn was almost deserted, as so many politicians and their families left and consequently, lots of the infrastructure died down as well. Bonn recovered quite a lot, but Dresden, especially with the many cultural sights offers more for somebody who´s only staying for four weeks.

    Bottom line, in Dresden you'll get to see more without having to leave the city.; Bonn might be great if you can afford travelling by train to the larger surrounding cities (Cologne, for example); I am afraid though that if the course only lasts four weeks you won't have that much time on hands to travel a lot.  :)

  4. On the one hand Dresden is one of the most beautiful towns in Germany. On the other hand there are not so many other big towns around. Bonn is not as nice as Dresden but there are more other towns around Bonn. Every single town next to Bonn is not as nice as Dresden, but all together there is much more to see around Bonn. Ok, there is the Saxonian Switzerland next to Dresden, whereas the Rhine valley is close to Bonn. It's both nice. Berlin is closer to Dresden, Praha is also not far.

    Btw, don't care about the dialect which is spoken in Bonn or Dresden: In a German class only High German is taught.

  5. Both of them are beautiful but i would choose bonn forsure :D

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