Deadline for Admission
Deadline for International Admission
Deadline for Sholarship Applications
Does this school offer post-graduate degrees?
In what faculties are graduate degree offered?
What are the English language program offered for International student?
If there is no such programs offered on campus,is there a partner school where English second language training may be obtained?If so,name the institution and tell where it is located.
Briefly describe the English Second Language Program offered on or off campus.
What must a student have for a TOEFL,IELTS,CAEL score to enter the ESL program?
How long must a student be in the ESL program before he/she qualifies for university level courses?
What is the estimated cost of going to ESL classes before starting university level courses?
In what provience and city is this school located?
Is this a large city?Briefly tell about the ciyt or town.
What kind of activities are there for university students?