
I want to study in <span title="Oz...................................?">Oz..........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Im 18, English and want to move to Australia to study, im not sure how to go about it or what to search for? Ive got 14 GCSE's and want to study something maybe in animal care but i am not fully decided yet. Can anyone help me? Also, what are the limits to working whilst i am studying?





  1. With your qualifications - you must enrol for Foundation Studies Programs first. You should start your search by checking out the various universities websites first. I am a Aussie grad but I am not familiar with your field.

    You need to research on the the following:

    - Which university offers such degree

    - standing of shortlisted universities (grp of 8 universities usually have the best reputations around the world -

    - estimated living cost on top of tuition fees

    - the foundation schools (example:

    that the universities (example: have a relations with.

    - where you intend to work after graduation: check if the degree is recognised by the professional bodies (Aussie degrees are widely recognised around the world - especially commonwealth countries like UK, but do check first just in case)

    legally, you can work up to 20hrs per week during school term.

    For more details on studying in Aussie, you might want to contact IDP: email the universities directly.

    God Bless.

  2. Thought you wanted to study in NZ? Make up your mind!

    EDIT: No need for the cheek! All you had to do was name BOTH countries in your question - then you wouldn&#039;t get negative responses.

  3. ta taa

    yeah i thought u wanted to study in NZ u little fibber

  4. for more details contact to:

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