
I want to study wolves?!?

by Guest62972  |  earlier

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Ok, So yea it sounds retarded, But I want to be zookeeper, for wolves.

But I am SO not good at science or math. Is there something I need to know about becoming a zoo keeper???




  1. I'd caution you that there probably aren't piles of jobs out there for wolf zookeepers. But on a positive note - lots of zoos take volunteers on. You get the really bad jobs to start with but if you stay on for a while you'll pretty quickly climb up the ranks.

  2. Studying wolves and taking care of wolves can be two different things. If you're a zookeeper, you won't be studying the wolves. If you work at a wolf sanctuary you'll be taking care of the wolves, but I'm not sure about studying them. I'm sure there is a job out there where you study and take care of wolves but I'm not sure what it is. It might be related to a wolf sanctuary, but I'm not sure.

    I'm sorry but a lot of degrees related to animals require a good amount of science and math. You can make it, you just need to study harder and see about study groups and tutors.

    Some degrees to look in to:



    Animal Science

    Ethology/Animal Behavior

    Wildlife Biology

    Zoo Science/Technology

    Animal/Exotic/Wildlife Management and/or Training

    But for the best advise try getting in contact with a wolf biologist or a wolf sanctuary and see what degrees and training is needed/recommended to work with wolves.

    Also, whether you become a zookeeper or a wolf biologist, start working on getting some experience with animals. If you can, see about volunteering at a wolf sanctuary.;...

    Is anyone out there have information about Zoo ANimal Trainers?

  3. Be sure to clean up after the elephants, and yes, there are a great deal of things you must know due to the requirements of each species.You need to know zoology from college courses. Call your local zoo and try to do an internship. It may not be as romantic as you think and the wolves are predators and not tamed. They will kill you.

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