
I want to stufy abroad .I am an albanian. what should I do?

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is there any way for me to study abroad .I am 16 years old from albania




  1. Well your best bet would be to finish highschool (if you havent already) in albania and then looking to study abroad in university. This would definitely be the most cost efficient way of doing things. If you want to look to a student exchange program, you could try:





    Other than that, i would talk to someone in the student services part of your school and ask for information.

  2. Any body can go anywhere for study, but there are certain procedures to follow. You are only 16, did you finish your Schooling at your place Albania? What you want to study and where you want to study? You are very young, consult your Teacher at your School, who will assist you in this respect. Remember you need a lot of money($) to study abroad.

    I wish you all the best.

  3. The methods will vary a bit depending upon where you wish to study. However, if you plan to go as a high school student, you need to be aware that most, if not all, programs have closed their applications for the 2008-2009 school year.

    Having said that, you need to look into high school exchange programs. If you wish to study in the U.S., be sure the program is CSIET listed ( or you will have many difficulties once you arrive.

    Programs with generally good reputations throughout the U.S. are: AFS, Aspect, Rotary, YFU. ASSE is pretty good, however AYUSA/INTRAX has difficulties (they cannot place in our high school for example).  Rotary is the cheapest, but most competitive.  You will need to contact one of these organizations to begin the process. THey will help with everything from your visa to placement in a school and host family.

    If you wish to study abroad as a college student, it works in a totally different manner. There should be an office or a program on your campus that deals with international studies and you have to go through them.

    Good luck!

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