
I want to swim in my pool but......?

by  |  earlier

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my dad put bleach and shock and algeside in the pool yester day at about this time , how long will it be before i can swin in it again ,,,,,, if i swim in it now what will happen




  1. Call the poolroom & ask i bet they will be glad to help

  2. It's fine since it's been 24 hours.  Since he shocked it the chlorine might still be a bit high so it might dry out your skin a bit, but that'll help keep acne down!!!

  3. Wow, this is a first. I had no idea that anyone had a pool table big enough to swim in. Is it a Brunswick, Gold Crown, or what?

    Just be careful. There are six deep pockets that could swallow a person whole. Wouldn't want that to happen to any of your guests. People have been known to go under and never been seen from again.

    Don't forget to have life preservers and life guards on standby.

    Amazing. What will they think of next?

  4. Usually the chemicals together need to work for 24 hours. If you go in now, you should be OK, but avoid getting any water in your mouth or nose, it could burn.

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